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Evil West News

Evil West - New Update (1.0.5)

[h2]Hey Hunters![/h2]

Our new update is now live on Steam! The complete patch notes is available down below, happy reading!


- Added a new stylish coat, hat and scarf, called the Invincible set. It’s rewarded for the players who complete the entire game in True Death mode. Please note that in order to get the Invincible set, you need to complete a True Death playthrough after updating the game.



- While sporting the Invincible set of clothes, the player regains a small amount of HP with every Gauntlet damage dealt to the enemies. This feature works even with only one piece of clothing equipped, but scales up with the remaining ones.


- Fixed a potential loss of entire game progress related to the True Death mode being accidentally turned on at the start of the NewGame+.
- Fixed the infinite loading screen (a.k.a. infinite fade-from-black) glitch.
- Fixed a possible Glamour related softlock while reloading the miniboss checkpoint in the Smoke & Mirrors mission.
- Fixed the progression softlock if the player died and moved to the previous arena after respawn in The First Spark mission.

[h2]BLOCKERS - COOP[/h2]

- Fixed a conditional blocker when both players die during the tutorial in certain points of the game.
- Fixed a conditional blocker in The Heist mission where one player died to a gatling enemy.
- Fixed a conditional blocker, when two players used the traversal interactions before the waterfall section of the Devil’s Pass mission.



- Fixed the bug causing the player and/or enemies falling underneath the level after using the Touchdown perk.
- Fixed couple instances where the player could get permanently stuck inside the ground.
- Fixed an exploit allowing the players to continue the True Death mode playthrough even after death.
- Fixed the Sticky Sticks upgrade causing occasional performance and stability issues.
- Fixed multiple places where the player could get stuck in the ground while using the Zapper skills.
- Fixed the instances where enemies could stop respawning in some encounters of the Where Oil Smells Like Blood mission.
- Fixed couple situations where the Scorcher hose was constantly flashing while using the weapon.
-Fixed some of the secret chest collectables not being properly saved while replaying the mission from the Lore menu, effectively locking some players out of the Chest Nuts achievement/trophy.
- Fixed the enemy weak spots not reacting to the Rifle shots with Railgun upgrade activated.
- Fixed the possible Railgun upgrade charging VFX desynchronization caused by specific actions chaining.
- Fixed the possible occlusion of breakable debris blocking the shooting targets in the cart ride sequence of the Remote RI Outpost mission.

[h2]BUGFIXES - COOP[/h2]

- Tweaked the revive interaction, so that neither dodging nor damage can interrupt it in the heat of battle.


- Fixed the players not being able to stream the game online straight from the console.


- Fixed a controller stick not working properly if the player has two controllers plugged into the PC.

Ковбой против вампиров: Обзор Evil West

Flying Wild Hog, уже отметившаяся в 2022 году триквелом Shadow Warrior, представила Evil West — игру по совершенно новой IP. Учитывая послужной список команды, странно было бы ожидать от неё какой-либо другой работы, кроме мясного экшена. Проект продолжает линейку студии об истреблении демонов, на этот раз вампиров.

"Фейерверк олдскула": Трейлер экшена Evil West с отзывами об игре

Flying Wild Hog выпустила новый трейлер экшена Evil West, отмечающий отзывы об игре в прессе.

Discover our Accolades Trailer!

[h2]Hello hunters![/h2]

We are delighted to share an Accolades Trailer to celebrate the very warm welcome Evil West has been receiving! Discover some of its buzzing reviews in today’s Accolades Trailer.


[h2]Highlighting the action in satisfaction[/h2]

Evil West has been garnering plentiful favorable reviews, reflecting the game’s wickedly satisfying, gory combat action; the bold and effective mix of genres behind its twisted, never-before-seen fantasy version of the Old West; and the blast it all provides as an old-school, over-the-top experience.

We are touched by so many warm words and thanking everyone for their reviews of the game so far. We wait to hear more from both the press and the players, as they battle bloodthirsty monsters through the Wild West.

Evil West is now available on Steam.


Evil West - First Update (1.0.4)

[h2]Hey Hunters![/h2]

Our first update is now live on Steam! The complete patch notes is available down below, happy reading!



- You can now toggle the Camera Shake in the Game options.
- You can now restart the current mission from the Lore menu’s Missions section.


- You can now change the sprint action on keyboard to be a toggle instead of hold-to-sprint.
- The arrow cursor keys are not hard bound to the camera movement any more.
- Added the Exit button in the EULA screen upon the first launch of the game.
- You can now adjust the FOV (Field of View) angle in the options menu, which is especially useful if you own an ultrawide monitor.


- The player is no longer blocked while replaying the Remote RI Outpost mission.
- The player can’t get blocked any more while destroying the glamour seals in the Smoke and Mirrors mission.
- The player won’t get blocked inside the Man of People mission while destroying the monster nests. Note: the mission needs to be restarted from the Lore menu for this fix to work.



- Fixed the analogue sticks player movement not working on some controllers.
- Fixed a combat sound staying active after the enemy’s death for one of the large enemies.
- Fixed the player being able to throw the enemy out of the arena in The Questionable Cargo mission.
- Fixed the cases where starting or loading the mission could take too long and the screen would never fade out from black.
- Fixed some of the large enemies’ HP pools being wrong if the player switches difficulty mid-encounter.
- Fixed the player being able to shoot Revolver even on cooldown, when combined with swapping from the Scorcher.
- Fixed one of the traversal interactions being active during the encounter in the Where Oil Tastes Like Blood mission.
- Fixed the player animation stuttering while using the Rifle close to the enemy.
- Fixed the Crippling Rod not always working properly against the Highborn enemy ranged attacks.


- Fixed the players being able to get soft-locked if they both died during tutorial in The First Spark mission.