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The Slormancer News

The Slorm Reapers Update is now available!

Hello everyone!

The Slorm Reapers Update (v.0.7.5) is now available!

[h2]New Slorm Reapers[/h2]

68 Slorm Reapers have been added into The Slormancer!
That's pretty much it.

Of the 68 Slorm Reapers, there are 40 Unique Slorm Reapers and 28 Evolutions.

This means that the Slorm Reapers Collection is now complete.
However, 2 of the new Slorm Reapers are currently locked behing unavailable content right now:
  • Vengeance will be acquired once you defeat Ohm Agad.
  • Altior will be acquired once you complete Adam Nostrus' Trials.

Some Advices to hunt Slorm Reapers:
  1. Slorm Reapers are looted on Breaches (not enemies) so clearing Breaches is the way to go.
  2. Rooms in The Slorm Temple count as Breaches.
  3. Breaches from Story Missions can loot Slorm Reapers.
  4. There are no Breaches in The Great Forge so you won't find Slorm Reapers there.
  5. There is a hidden pity timer that guarantees a Slorm Reaper every 150 Breaches.

[h2]Various Additions[/h2]
We've added a couple of things that felt mandatory when working on this Update:
  • Whenever a Skill resets its Cooldown Time due to a triggered effect, an animation will be played on its icon to clearly deliver the information.
  • Legendary Items and Slorm Reapers tooltips can now be scrolled up / down.

[h2]Bugs & Performance[/h2]
  • Crafting lots of Slormites / Slormelines will compute instantaneously and will no longer cause the game to crash / freeze.
  • Opening FAT War Chests should no longer cause the game to crash / freeze.
    • Goldus can now drop in stacks of 100 000.
    • Slormite, Slormelines and Slormandrites will be packed based on their Tier / Rarity.
    • In the absence of a Loot Filter, Items will be gradually filtered out to prevent 100s+ of Items displayed on screen (granting Goldus instead). This will literally only activate if more than 100 Items of a specific rarity are about to spawn, and will never filter out Epic or Legendary Items.
    • Item Names will be shown once the War Chest has done distributing all its content to prevent unnecessary performance constraints.
    • Looting all the content of a FAT War Chest should be much faster overall.

[h3]Bugs Fixed:[/h3]
  • Having the Primal Ancestral Stone in a Tier 1 Ancestral Legacy Slot should no longer cause a crash.
  • Duplicating a currency should no longer be possible in the Material Tabs.

That's about it for now!

Slormite Chronicles #33

Happy New Year everyone!

Same as last year, this Chronicle will be a recap of the year 2023 for The Slormancer and we will take a look back at what's been done.

But first and foremost, let's talk about the Slorm Reaper Update that was supposed to be done (damn you, devs!). It turns out that verifying and debugging a hefty amount of 68 Slorm Reapers took us longer than anticipated. We also took some time off during the holidays, and were busy eating raclette for a few days.

There's still a degree of uncertainty regarding the release date. We have a few things to polish here and there, a few sound FX to add and still some Slorm Reapers that do not work the way we want. We're almost there but not quite. We're almost always regretting giving a release date too soon so I'm not giving any right now. Coming Soon is the best I can say.

Now onto the Recap.

A Year of Chronicles: 2023 Edition
Fun fact: You may not know this but we publish the Slormite Chronicles devlog every 6th of the month, which is the day The Slormancer was released (on April 6, 2021). Everytime we publish a Slormite Chronicles, the game gets one month older, and it is currently 2 years and 9 months old.

We started the year with Slormite Chronicles #21. A Chronicle similar to this one, with a roadmap for 2023, and it turns out that we did everything that we had planned. Yay! Moving to Slorm Reapers by the end of year was not planned but it is one of the most challenging part of the roadmap for us so we're happy to be (almost) done with it.

We then went on with Update #1: The Luxuriant Update Part II on January 30.
This Update introduced :
  • 8 New Missions (Act 4)
  • A New Ancestral Legacy Tier, adding 32 Ancestral Skills.
  • An Increased Level cap to 70.
  • Quality of Life for The Slorm Temple.

In Slormite Chronicles #22, we talked about the (mixed) feedback we got for Act 4 and our plan to fix things, and then talked about the upcoming rework on Controller Support.

Slormite Chronicles #23 was again about Controller Support and the numerous technical changes that were coming to the game in The Technical Update. We also talked about the new Environment and Enemies that we were working on.

Update #2, called The Technical Update, introduced a complete rework of the Controller. We had a growing playerbase on Steam Deck, and an unexpected amount of players using a controller so it was most needed. We also added numerous technical changes:
  • A new Aim-Assist for Controller users.
  • A Toggle Option along with various Visual Feedbacks for the Aim-Assist.
  • Many Interface and Menu Navigation changes for the Controller.
  • New Font Sizes
  • Search Bars for Skills, Attributes and Slorm Reapers.
  • New Bindable Buttons
  • Uncapped FPS.
  • UltraWide Support
  • An ingame Zoom.

Slormite Chronicles #24 covered our upcoming Royal Wing environment along with 5 New Enemies.

This led to Update #3: The Royal Wing Update Part I on April 11 that introduced:
  • 5 New Enemies
  • A New Environment (The Royal Wing)
  • A New Legendary Chest to store Legendary Items.
  • Changes to Battlefield Expeditions: Now separated in two slightly different modes.
    • Battlefield Journey. With Bosses on dedicated Floors.
    • Careful Examination. With the ability to farm in a chosen Environment.


Slormite Chronicles #25, #26 and #27 were all about our biggest update of the year: The Royal Wing Update, Part II that would not only introduce new missions, story content but also loadouts and a rework of The Great Forge. The first iteration that we talked about in the Chronicles (#25) turned out to be something players didn't want so we went on with something simpler and funnier (#26) that seems to have pleased players.

This led to Update #4: The Royal Wing Update Part II on July 10 introducing:
  • Act 5: 6 New Missions and 1 Boss fight.
  • A new Ancestral Legacy Tier adding 20 new Ancestral Skills.
  • Increased Level Cap to 80.
  • Loadouts
  • Reworks to:
    • Armor and Elemental Resistances, making them more efficient.
    • The Great Forge, making it faster, greedier and with a better density by introducing "Multi-Waving" along with opening more Spawn Locations at once (from 2, up to 6).
    • Silence, toning it down and making it only affect spellcasters.
    • Legendary Reinforcement, by limiting it to 15.
  • And various changes to Runes or new player experience.


Slormite Chronicles #28 and #29 were about the upcoming Ancestral Update that would introduce Adam Nostrus Trials, a series of endgame goals that would guide the player to the right direction along with setting nice objectives, along with our first endgame boss: Adam Nostrus.
On top of that, we would introduce the Primal Ancestral Stone, a unique stone that you can enshrine anywhere on your Ancestral Legacy that would increase build possibilities a lot.

In one of the Slormite Chronicles, we also talked about our ideal goal for the end of the year, which was to release: The Ancestral Update, The Slorm Reaper Update (the one we're currently working on) and The Warlords Update. It was very optimistic to say the least. I would have loved to release The Slorm Reapers Update before the end of the year, just to get 2 out of 3, but there was no way that we could have done this one faster.

Update #5: The Ancestral Update was then released on September, 19th.
It introduced:
  • Adam Nostrus' Trials.
  • An endgame Boss: Adam Nostrus, King of Fashion.
  • The last Tier of the Ancestral Legacy Tree adding 5 new Ancestral Skills.
  • The Primal Ancestral Stone.

Since then, we've been working on Slorm Reapers! So we pretty much only talked about Slorm Reapers in Slormite Chronicles #30, #31 and #32.

In 2023, we have released 5 Updates. A 6th before the end of the year would have been great but we had to settle for 5. It was a great year for us overall, we checked a lot of important boxes and made good progress.

Once The Slorm Reapers Update is out, we will post our plan for 2024 in an upcoming Slormite Chronicles. along with an updated Road Map. We have high hopes for the year to come, so please stick with us for the final push!

That's about it for now!
And again, Happy New Year! May you all loot fat War Chests.


Slormite Chronicles #32

Hello everyone!

It's Chronicle time!

[h2]Slorm Reapers, again![/h2]
I feel like I'm only talking about Slorm Reapers lately in these Slormite Chronicles, but that's pretty much what this is what our daily lives are like. Slorm Reapers everyday, and night.

For those of you that have missed our latest Slormites Chronicles, we are currently working on finishing the whole Slorm Reapers Collection. As of now, there are currently 52 Slorm Reapers available in The Slormancer for a total of 120 wanted. This means 68 new Slorm Reapers to deliver.

The good news is that everything is coming along. We are slightly late on schedule but not by a big margin. This could have taken much more time than previously anticipated, so we're happy with how things are going. As for our current progress, at the time of writing this Chronicle, we are at:
- Pre-production and Brainstorm : 100% Complete
- Production (Actual Code) : 80% Complete
- Assets (Icons and Visual FX): 70% Complete
- Tests: Debug & Balance: 0% Complete

This means that we should be done relatively soon but I'm still reluctant to give a release window right now, mostly because Christmas holidays are coming up. And we want to make sure that we are fully available to fix bugs for at least a week once the update releases. We also don't want to release an update that may introduce gamebreaking bugs while the holiday sales is going on, since this would be a pretty bad experience for new players.

Basically, this means that we will probably aim for a release of this update slightly after Christmas, and possibly even slightly after the holidays, depending on how comfortable we are with our update.

That being said, we're close to finish quite a big milestone for The Slormancer, and for us. And we're pretty happy with how things are going. We're not sure about the impact of adding so many Slorm Reapers for our Early Access players, since most of you already have totally broken very viable builds with the weapons that already are in the game. But we're pretty confident that having so many different and unique weapons to choose from, level up, and discover will eventually pay off and hopefully be an important salespoint for the game.

[h2]Slorm Reapers, again![/h2]
Since we now have quite a bit of Slorm Reapers ready, I can finally show a bunch of screenshots of actual gameplay. It's not as efficient as videos but it's much faster to make, and it means that I will be able to return to coding Slorm Reapers soon enough.

The first screenshot is based on the notorious Vegetable Reaper. Tyler, the rabbit is there with you, eating vegetables.

This is the Slorm Reaper of the Desecrated Unholy Sepulcher: When killing enemies, they will drop a small sepulcher. You will then be able to either cast Tomb Explosion or Tomb Profanation on them.

Slorm Reaper of the Spider Nest, turning you into ... a spider knight.
On top of that, this Slorm Reaper makes your projectiles bounce off the edges of the camera instead of physical walls!

That's about it for today!
If you've missed the last Slormite Chronicles about Slorm Reapers, you can find them here, and there!

Cheers everyone!

Slormite Chronicles #31

Hello everyone!

It's Chronicle time!

As mentioned in our previous Slormite Chronicles, we are currently working on building the last Slorm Reapers for The Slormancer. This is a long and quite difficult process but we're making good progress.

We've now moved to production and I believe this part should take about a month. There are a lot of original (and hopefully fun) new concepts that require quite a bit of assets and resources, but we believe it's for the best.

We don't have much gameplay to show yet, or at least nothing visually interesting, so we will instead continue to reveal upcoming Slorm Reapers. (As always, everything is subject to change).

The Slormancer being The Slormancer, we have a couple of circumvoluted and absurd concepts that we want to share with you, such as a Vegetable as a Slorm Reaper.

Go Tyler, Go!

The Primordial Version has an effect called "Miscalculation" that reduces Critical Strike Chance or Ancestral Strike Chance to 0% before Probability occurs. It gets fun.

We also came up with a bunch of asymmetrical Slorm Reapers.
Here's Legion, Reaper of Unity!

This Slorm Reaper gets stronger based on the number of Slorm Reapers you own called Legion.
It has a total of 5 Evolutions, plus its base form, so adding up the Primordial Versions, it adds up to a total of 36 Slorm Reapers.

On top of that, each evolution starts at level 1 and can be leveled up to 100.

[h2]Complete Collection[/h2]
And here's a small preview of what a Slorm Reapers Collection looks like when complete!

If you want to read more about how we came up with Slorm Reapers and how the concept evolved, you can read our previous Slormite Chronicles.

That's about it for today!
Cheers everyone!

Slormite Chronicles #30

Hello everyone!

It's Chronicle time!

We're currently working on the upcoming Slorm Reapers, and since we're still on preproduction, we don't have that much to share with you guys, so I figured I might tell you a bit more about Slorm Reapers and how we came up with the concept.

[h2]The Origins[/h2]
At first, Slorm Reapers were supposed to be much more basic than what they are now.
The core was the same: Collectible Weapons that would always at least slightly alter the way you would play. But the result was very different back then. We came up with about 40 Slorm Reapers, with various effects. Most of them worked in a similar way: You get a nice bonus that could enable a build, but you get a malus that you have to play around.

And we also liked that it was a collectible, instead of a basic piece of Equipment. We wanted a "Weapon-o-Dex" that you could complete and that would also allow players to quickly change their builds on the go.

Here's an example of a very early prototype:

Slorm Reapers had rarities back then, and as you can see, one very simple bonus, and one very simple malus.

[h2]Slorm Reaper Hunting[/h2]
As you can see on the screenshot above, we had a mechanic in place called "Focused Thoughts Elixir" that would allow players to try to loot a very specific Slorm Reaper he wanted.
Basically, you would loot Scrolls that would give you informations on a random Slorm Reaper, including where you could find it, then you could decide to use Focused Thoughts Elixir on that Reaper, greatly increasing the chances to find it.

We called this "The Hunt".

Slorm Reapers were much harder to drop without these Elixirs and the process felt tedious and not so fun. So instead of having to loot a Scroll, then spend a few Elixirs, then farm in the correct Environment, we removed these steps, increased the droprate and went full random.

[h2]From 40 to 120[/h2]
At this point, we've only had one playtester beside us two (which is the composer), and when he played the first prototypes, he told us that he loved collecting Slorm Reapers, and that he thought we should go for more, and that 40 was not a big enough number.

So we went with 120.
This would lead to a LOT more work than anticipated, especially given the numerous reworks we've had to make.

[h2]Reworking Slorm Reapers[/h2]
We then went on and built 120 Slorm Reapers. Then moved on to other mechanics of the game, eventually reworking Class Skills, The Ancestral Legacy, addind Character Traits etc... And even though Slorm Reapers were "good to go", The Slormancer got much bigger and much more complex than we anticipated, and all of a sudden Slorm Reapers were very underwhelming for what they were supposed to accomplish.

So we decided to rework them all. This would lead to a very important change:

We felt that granting a bonus and a malus was a very nice idea but that most players would be so annoyed by the malus that they would not give the Slorm Reaper a try.

So we first decided to split things up. Let's offer a regular version of the Slorm Reaper, with a fun and interesting concept, and then, if players show great commitment to it, they would unlock an even stronger version, but with a Malediction they would have to overcome.

This would lead to the Primordial Version that it's in the game.

So it meant that we could discard almost all the work we've done on the first iteration of our 120 Slorm Reapers. And coming up with new effects turned out to be both long and challenging, so we decided that instead of having 120 Slorm Reapers from the beginning of Early Access, we would start with 32, and add more along the way.

At this point, we also removed Rarities, because we knew players would often disregard Non-Legendary Reapers simply because... they are not Legendaries.

Here's a Before / After of Aïondee :

This new version is a LOT more work. Now instead of having a simple Bonus / Malus, we also have to come up with an interesting base, with a few scalable stats and exciting things to build around. Usually, our goal when designing a Slorm Reaper is to create something that is good on its own, but that can also trigger the theorycraft part of a player. Basically, when you loot a Slorm Reaper, you should always think: "Oh, I want to build something around this."

[h2]Early Access[/h2]
During Early Access, as Pepperidge Farm remembers, we added a first batch of about 20 Slorm Reapers pretty early on, but it felt too early for most players, since the game was still lacking most of its content, so we decided to postpone the rest of the Slorm Reapers until further notice.

Early Access also saw the apparition of Slorm Reaper Affinity, a mechanic that would enhance the effects of your Slorm Reaper, reduce the difficulty to unlock Primordial Slorm Reapers and the addition of Cory Ironbender, an NPC that can craft Slorm Reapers you've unlocked with another class.

And this leads us to now.
With 68 Slorm Reapers left to go.

Since the last Slormite Chronicles, we've made good progress and are almost done with preproduction. We have all the 68 Slorm Reapers ready to go, and are currently validating every single one of them one last time so we won't regret anything during or after production.

Here are a couple of new concepts that we can share:
At this stage of development, things are heavily subject to change.

Reaper of the Conniving Warlock

Whenever you spend Life, you trigger Life Drain, dealing that same Percent of damage as Skill Damage to enemies within a 3 yard radius and apply a Life Link stack to enemies hit, up to (Reaper Level).

Life Drain deals 1% x Reaper Level Increased Damage.
Life Drain deals 8% Increased Damage for each stack of Life Link.

You gain the following Active Skill:
Life Bargain - Cost: 10% Life.
For the next 7 seconds, Mana costs spend Life instead of Mana.

Life Drain can leech Life.
You have 1% x Reaper Level Life Leech on Life Drain.

Primordial Benediction:
The Cooldown Time of Skills costing Life to cast is reduced by 70%.

Primordial Malediction:
Life Costs are doubled.

Aurelon's Reaper of Light

'+1% x Reaper Level Aura Increased Effect
+0.5% x Reaper Level Aura Increased Multiplier

The Judge of Light is equipped and at Max Rank.

Whenever you kill an enemy while The Judge of Light is active, you have a 0,3% x Reaper Level Chance to create a Blorm of Light, for every Negative Effect on the enemy.

A Blorm of Light lasts 10 seconds and relentlessly attacks nearby enemies, dealing 100% Skill Damage per attack.

Blorms of Light deal Increased Damage equal to your Percent of Missing Mana.

Primordial Benediction:
Whenever you receive Damage, if you have Shield, Damage is reduced to 1.

Shield stops decreasing while The Judge of Light is active.

Primordial Malediction:
Value of Shields is 1.

Energy Overflowing Reaper

'+1 x Reaper Level Mana On Hit Multiplier
+1% x Reaper Level Mana On Kill Multiplier
+1% x Reaper Level Mana Leech Multiplier
+1% x Reaper Level Mana Regeneration Multiplier

Mana you Restore over your Max Mana is stored as Overflowing Mana.
Every 2 seconds, Overflowing Mana is evenly distributed as Elemental Damage to up to 5 random enemies within a 7 yard radius.

Overflowing Mana has X% Critical Strike Chance.
Critical Strike Chance is equal to yours.

Primordial Benediction:
Max Mana Modifiers are added to your Life instead of your Mana.

Primordial Malediction:
Your Max Mana is 1.

That's about it for today!
Cheers everyone!