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Killer Gin News

Killer Gin Summer Sale 55% Off

Killer Gin is 55% off on STEAM!


- JRPG 50+ hrs of gameplay!
- Homestead mode: Farming/Dating simulator(Mini-game)
- Multiple Difficulty settings
- Alignment system
- Faction System
- Relationship system
- Professional voice acting(Over 4,000+ voice-acted lines)
- Enable or Disable voice acting at any time!
- Recruit characters
- Story altering game mechanics
- An Infinite dungeon to explore
- Tons of secrets and easter eggs!
- STEAM Achievements!
- and much, much more!

#killergin #Indiegame #rpg #voiceacting #steam #manga

Killer Gin 4 player platformer (spin off game in the works)

Killer Gin Platformer Poster!

What do you think?

4 player VS Game Footage (Super early, WIP)


#killergin #Indiegame #platformer #voiceacting #steam #manga

Killer Gin 40% off SALE!!!


Killer Gin is 40% off on STEAM!

Now is a great time to grab Killer Gin before the Drake DLC is launched. Grab your copy today!
Killer Gin STEAM Link: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1164480/Killer_Gin/

The final version of the first Drake DLC Art Teaser! It's fun to see the art go from humble beginnings to an epic finish. Though I personally have a soft spot for the initial concept pic.

#killergin #Indiegame #rpg #voiceacting #steam #manga

Killer Gin Platformer and DLC in the works!

BIG news!

A 4-player Killer Gin Co-op and VS platformer for Switch, Xbox, Playstation, and computer?!

Don't think for a second that I stopped developing Killer Gin games. I just started working on a spin-off multiplayer platformer for Killer Gin. I'm also working on the Drake DLC for the current Killer Gin RPG at the same time. Most likely, they will release at the same time. I will post updates for both very soon!

Right now, the 4 player VS mode for the Killer Gin platformer is enjoyable! My friends and I play for many hrs, and it's tons of fun. It's currently in the playtesting phase, and once more of the graphics are complete, I will start showing some pics.

#killergin #Indiegame #rpg #voiceacting #steam #manga

Killer Gin Map Interaction Update!

Killer Gin Update!
(Massive Map Interaction Update)

1) Now hide from enemies in bushes!
2) Enemies now detect bodies of fallen comrades!
3) Randomly spawning bosses who can raise fallen enemies!
4) Birds fly around and land, and will fly away when approached!
5) Game Balance updated! (for players spending tons of time on side quests).
6) Oracle updated in game.
7) and much more!

PS: The Oracle will become 1 of 4 NEW playable characters in the upcoming Killer Gin Drake DLC! (Now 50+ playable characters!)

#killergin #Indiegame #rpg #voiceacting #steam #manga