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Swiss Knife News

En Route To Version 1.0 - Update 0.99vw

[Patch Note 0.99vw - [28/07/2021]

- Fixed Custom Shops (once again...)
- Fixed an issue with HeavyWeight Hats actualisation.
- Fixed the layer issue with Ability Displayer.

Scene Upgrades and Fixes
- Added new Models in Cherokee Villages.
- Added a Post Processing effect when drinking an old swhiskey in West Brocelia.
- Fixed a disabled Post Processing effect in Cinematics.
- Optimised SK City

En Route to Version 1.0 - Update 0.99tu

[Patch Note 0.99tu - [25/07/2021]

Scene Upgrades
- Upgraded Revolta Village. Welcome to Hellsace ~
- Added a Cinematic after "The DELTA appears".
- Reworked The Entity Battle.
- Changed The Entity Battle Music.
- Optimized SK City.
- Added a Forcefield to Old Mansion in Barkan Island.

- Fixed the Custom Shops.
- Fixed CapTen Windows.
- Fixed Benediction Dialogues.
- Fixed Preserved Garden Lights.
- Fixed an issue with Gla Gla Road Entrance.
- Fixed a Spawn issue when taking the Bus to La Fabrique.

- Updated some Steam Images and Layouts.
- Fixed an issue with Batsu Amusement Park Achievement.
- Fixed an issue with GlaGla Road achievement.
- Added The E.Y.E Achievements triggers.

En Route to Version 1.0 - Update 0.99rs

[Patch Note 0.99rs - [21/07/2021]

- Fixed most of HUD issues.
- Fixed Camera Flickering issue.
- Reduced the maximum camera dezoom from 10 to 6.
- Upgraded Inventory UI.
- Added missing Steam Achievements triggers. (Except for The Entity, will be reworked in next update)
- Fixed an issue that caused the game to crash when Engineer dies.

Scene Fixes & Upgraded
- Added a Scene between The EYE first challenge and SK City.
- Upgraded NavMesh in MOON Arena.

+ Updated the Steam Store Page.
+ Updated some Steam Images and Layouts.
- Added missing and replaced old Steam Achievement icons.
+ Triggered the first Steam Highlights wave (1/4).
+ Swiss Knife Promotion on Steam Store.

- Added Auto Voice Channels. You can now create your own Voice Channel by joining a + New Session channel
- Upgraded Categories : Eclipse Studio categorie is dedicated to general informations about the studio and games. Each game has its own categorie, based on the same template. Club Med categorie and Backstage categorie are now compiled in one and only, which is a private and backstage categorie reserved to @Guest (Was NightKnight before) @Testor (A new role to separate Testors from Moderators and Guests) @Moderator & @Staff (Didn't change).
- Added SK Emojis

En Route to Version 1.0 - 0.99q Update

[Patch Note 0.99q - [14/07/2021]

- Attempted a new method to manage CapTen Donger windows and Custom Shop in La Fabrique. This new method will be added in Sheleg Mount, Brocelia Forest, Barkan Island, Umi Reef and SK City if working properly.

Fixes and Scene Upgrades

Sahra Desert
- Added a Custom Shop in Revolta Village.
- Added a new Revolta : Welcome to Wraiths ~ !

Barathrum Swamps
- Corrected a Frame Drop issue when the camera was looking the Auction Room, even at the other side of the map.
- Changed the Augustus Intro Cinematic in order to show the battle mechanics.
- Added a music in Augustus Intro and Outro Cinematics.
- Added SFX and FX in Augustus Battle.

En Route to 1.0 Version - Fix Update 0.99p

[Patch Note 0.99p - [11/07/2021]


- FIxed an issue that caused the HeavyWeight Explosive Punch not to trigger an explosion when the combo reaches 3.

Scenes fixes and updates

Cherokee Canyon
- Upgraded Dialogue AI.

NightKnight Den
- Fixed a camera velocity issue in Supreme Arena.
- Nerfed KnightNight V2 MaxHealth from 20.000 to 15.000.
- Nerfed NightKNight V2 Elek-Punch damages from 15 to 5. Limited maximum particule collision from unlimited to 1.
- Added a Cinematic after NightKnight death.
- Improved some animation in NK Cinematics.
- Optimised THE_DELTA Cinematic.
- Fixed an issue with the HUD in NK2 Battle