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Immortal Life News

Patch V1.0.05 Update

Bug Fixed
  • Fixed the bug that would make players unable to create a new character due to the Cloud Save Feature.
  • Fixed the bug that caused the game to crash when the Demonstrating Action was performed.
  • Fixed the bug that was causing the game to crash during certain quests.
  • Localization Update
  • Fixed the bug that would not show the Quest Awards and Countdown

Need help? Please find our latest added Immortal Life FAQ for helping you with problems like Game Save and other bugs you might encounter.

If you find any bugs in our game, please feel free to join our Discord Community to submit the bugs you meet
YiFang Studio & 2P Games

Patch V1.0.04 Update

Bug Fixed

  • Fixed bugs from the quest Pure Heart
  • Fixed the bug that would crash the game by using the Controller.
  • Fixed the bug that would crash the game by using the Exploration Request system.
  • Fixed the bug that would allow you to enter the Editing System after the player dead
  • Fixed the bug that would crash the game caused by an NPC (We hope it gets fully fixed this time)
  • Fixed the bug that would crash the game from the Cooking System (We hope it gets fully fixed this time)

Need help? Please find our latest added Immortal Life FAQ for helping you with problems like Game Save and other bugs you might encounter.

If you find any bugs in our game, please feel free to join our Discord Community to submit the bugs you meet
YiFang Studio & 2P Games

Patch V.1.0.03 Update


  • To resolve the time-slipping issue, we have implemented a logging system to identify and display the problem. (And hopefully, make the time-slipping stop crashing the game)
  • We’ve raised the rewards of Wandering Vendor
  • UI Improvement for Inventory and Warehouse

[h2]Bug Fixed[/h2]

  • Fixed a bug causing slow merch creation by Turtle Mill
  • Fixed the bug around the Bookmark System
  • Fixed the bug that sometimes made the Marks on maps not appear in the right location during exploration quests.
  • Fixed the bug around the Paper crane gifting system
  • Fixed the bug that made the Enhance system crash the game when living with Lin
  • An Update to the Quest Pure Heart
  • Fixed the bug making the Paper crane unable to mark them as READ. (Please let us know if it works this time)
  • Fixed the bug that allowed the gifting system to be triggered by the controller after the gift was sent.
  • Fixed the bug that some items are not counted
  • Localization update

Need help? Please find our latest added Immortal life FAQ for helping you with the problems like Game Save and other bugs you might meet.
If you find any bugs in our game, please feel free to join our Discord Community to submit the bugs you meet

Here's a farm life game but it's about a sect of Chinese fantasy martial artists

Farming game Immortal Life has just released from Early Access after a few years in development, bringing a unique spin to the genre of Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, and Stardew Valley. YiFeng Studio's fam life game is based on a sect of martial artists who, finding their home school devastated, resolve to rebuild the misty valley into a place of learning and beauty...
Read more.

A New Beginning! Spring Update Plan Revealed

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We really appreciate your support and approval of Immortal Life. The launch of the full version of the game wouldn't have been possible without your enthusiastic and ongoing support. It is every time you explore, plant, and break through in the game that makes Immortal Life what it is now. We would like to thank you all from the very bottom of our hearts.

The full version has just been launched. We are paying close attention to the various issues encountered by the players in the Immortal Life community, and we are collecting your feedback, which will all be fully discussed and dealt with. We will do our best to meet your needs.

Our future updates will be loaded with more exciting content, such as in-game festival celebrations and collaboration events. Below is our Spring Update Plan (January to March):

These are only snippets of what to expect in the version updates that will follow soon. What features do you want to get in Immortal Life? What issues do you have when playing the current version of the game? Please feel free to send your feedback to our community moderator. Thank you again for your support and approval. We will work harder on Immortal Life and please stay tuned for more fun!

Need help? Please find our latest added Immortal life FAQ for helping you with the problems like Game Save and other bugs you might meet.

If you find any bugs in our game, please feel free to join our Discord Community to submit the bugs you meet
YiFang Studio & 2P Games