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Temple Of Snek News

v.1.1: like 1.0, but moreso

Version 1.1.0 is here, adding a few little quality-of-life features, as well as a few fixes, on top of 1.0.0 and the previous minor updates. Details below!

As always, thanks for playing! Don't forget to leave a review - it really, really helps people to find the game.


  • Added an achievement for completing Story Mode.
  • All achievements are now localised on Steam.
  • Added a pop-up length-counter to the Story Mode and Workshop HUDs, to help you keep track of Snek's length changes.
  • Attempted to make the introduction of infinite NPC doors more obvious.
  • In Story Mode, you can now pan the pause screen map.
  • Added effects to make intersections from magic tiles more obvious.
  • Increased the maximum reloadable checkpoints from 5 to 8, so you can go back a little further if you need to.
  • Changed the way checkpointing works to include a limit on the number of consecutive saves you can do on the same checkpoint. If the game detects that you're going in circles over the same checkpoint, it will try to avoid overwriting all your reloads. The number maximum consecutive uses of the same checkpoint is 75% of the maximum reloadable checkpoints (i.e., 6 out of 8).
  • The puzzle at the end of the Long Corridor has been simplified (by making the platforms equal heights, repositioning the camera and adding some arrows).
  • Some minor UI changes to make the game more controller and Steam Deck friendly.

  • Stopped a door from automatically closing in the inner-sanctum, which could previously allow an exploit that skipped an important lesson.
  • Fixed flipped UVs on the "God Mode" snek head. (That means colours in Mek-a-Snek will apply to the correct side of the God Mode head.)


  • Fixed an exploit in the final puzzle that would allow you to catch the Capitan when you weren't meant to.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the final cutscene from playing if you happen to have not skipped the opening cutscene. It's a very silly bug. Don't ask.


  • Added some extra floor arrows to the final guard room puzzle, as it was too difficult for the early game.

  • Potential fix to the bug that causes Workshop thumbnails to sometimes fail to upload.

A small but important patch

Now that snek devotees are beating the temple, a couple of new issues popped up right at the end. This is just a quick patch to push em back down again.


  • Fixed an exploit in the final puzzle that would allow you to catch the Capitan when you weren't meant to.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the final cutscene from playing if you happen to have not skipped the opening cutscene. It's a very silly bug. Don't ask.

Small post-launch patch

Just a teeny tiny patch!


  • Added some extra floor arrows to the final guard room puzzle, as it was too difficult for the early game.

  • Potential fix to the bug that causes Workshop thumbnails to sometimes fail to upload.

Version 1.0 is out now!

The Quetzalcoatl update brings Temple of Snek to version 1.0, and out of early access!

It's been a long journey - thank you for coming along! Like Snek, this game turned out bigger than I could've imagined, and I hope you enjoy it.

The full details are in the change log, but here are some highlights.

[h2]Final Chapters[/h2]
The last act of Story Mode is ready to play, including new puzzle types, locations and music. You'll get to see some environmental story that was only hinted before, and bring the tale to a conclusion! Story Mode is now something like 4-6 hours long, depending how quickly you solve the puzzles. If you get stuck, remember the hint system that was added since the previous Story Mode update. It's time to deal with those invaders once and for all! This final Story Mode instalment has some very challenging and mysterious puzzles, and some surprises that I hope you'll love!

[h2]Things to Make and Do[/h2]
The Snek Workshop level editor is also now complete, building on the Viracocha update, and adding localised tooltips. All the tile-types are now available to use in your own creations, and there is now a low-key track to groove to while you create. The whole UI has minor improvements overall.

This update is named in honour of the Mexica god Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalcoatl, who sometimes appeared as the feathered serpent, was the god of the winds, of craft and learning and wisdom, and was the patron deity of the Aztec priests. Snek is not meant to be Quetzalcoatl, she is a different, fantastical deity, but as Snek's story comes to an end, she will fly like the wind, learn about her nature, and help the priestesses overcome the conquistadors. There's a myth that the Mexica people thought Hernan Cortés was Quetzalcoatl himself, which led to the fall of the Aztec Empire, but that's not true. It was made up by colonials afterwards, and the Mexica weren't stupid. Just as Snek is not Quetzalcoatl, the Capitan character in Temple of Snek is not Cortés, but still, it'll be nice to see him dealt with by the end of the game.

If you enjoy Temple of Snek, be sure to leave a review to let people know. While the game is "finished", we would still welcome feedback or bug to reports via the feedback form in-game (F8) or join us on the Discord. If the in-game hints aren't enough, the discord server is also the best place to get help from the community.

Temple Of Snek Will Leave Early Access on February 15th

Hello All,

Snek's long journey is almost at an end! On February 15th version 1.0, the Quetzalcoatl update, goes live and will include:

- A Finished version of Story Mode, with new puzzles, locations, music, and an ending to the story.
- A Finished version of Snek Workshop level editor.

Thanks to everyone that has played the game so far and helped us get to the finish line.

-Miles @ Pixeljam & Aetheric