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VR Jetpack Game News

Aug.28 5PM PT Group Event and Black Hole

Next in-game group event will be on Friday again at 5PM PT. This next one will lean more towards the exploration side of the game for reasons that will become obvious, so make sure to start at the default spawn location (don't hit Z), unless you're late and see us already in space on the livestream. As usual, come by to meet new players, VR or not.

A hint on what's being added at the end of the week:

Aug.21 5PM PT Group Event and Updated Tower

Next group game session will be Friday, August 21 5PM PT. We will try to make this a regular weekly time. Come by to meet other players as well as battle it out in ranked Zero-G. We will start at the normal multiplayer spawn point (press [M]) first before climbing up the tower together. Those who join late and see us already fighting above the tower can hit [Z] to jump to the Zero-G arena.

The next game update being worked on will be further development of the tower. Below is some work in progress so far:

The end-goal is to eventually have that part of the map look something like this sketch by Kanehira:

New Castle Grounds Area

A new castle grounds area is added to the map in time for our group game session today at 5PM PT. Join us to explore it together before we head up to the Zero-G arena for ranked battle. If you arrive late and already see us fighting above the tower, you can hit Z on the keyboard to teleport there.
A video preview of what to expect below:

Note: Castle area is still being optimized and might have bugs as well (please report them). If you are sensitive to framerate below 90, avoid going towards it for now and either fly over or around it.

Castle Grounds

A new castle grounds area will be added to the map in time for our group game session today at 5PM PT. Join us to explore it together before we head up to the Zero-G arena for ranked battle. If you arrive late and already see us fighting above the tower, you can hit Z on the keyboard to teleport there.
A video preview of what to expect below:

See you in an hour!

Aug.14 5PM PT Event, Dual-Wielding Lasers, and FPS Improvements

You can now dual-wield the laser blast:

Besides that, updates are mainly non-visual - framerate further improved so RTX 2060 now has good headroom at 8ms/frame (previously 11ms/frame = 90 FPS), server also improved from 400 FPS to 999 FPS (probably the FPS counter doesn't go higher). New players must spread arms out like the instructions say before thrusters will enable. Small combat changes - no laser blast if recently attacked, gunshots having wide radius, etc. The most significant improvements go to the recently introduced team linking ability (two players grapple/hookshot each other to combine power levels) - but I'll leave that to people to discover on their own. Now that the fine-tuning stuff is done, I can go back to adding new level content. Small tease of what's being worked on for the tower:

Next weekly group battle will also be on Aug.14 5PM PT. We'll be meeting initially at the normal spawn (M at start screen) to explore a new part of the map before heading up to the Zero-G arena for ranked play. If you arrive late and see us already battling above the tower, you can teleport there by hitting Z any time during the game itself. Join us in VR or non-VR. Or even just spectate on the new Watch Online page. All games in the arena are ranked on the Zero-G Ladder. Congrats to current top-5 - Aero48, I_Am_Spiff, Vincennes, Predator, and Drewski88 - but we'll see how long that lasts before someone else climbs to the top. :P