1. Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga
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Symphony of War: The Nephilim Saga News

Version 1.10.2 Small fixes

-Protag gender graphics in cutscenes fixed
-Steam saves now generate a backup in the backup folder (appdata/roaming/nephilim)
-Many RU localization fixes
-The game no longer launches in too large a resolution for Steam Deck

Version 1.10.1 is live!

-Corrected an issue where optimal range AI would override Caladori Charm effect
-Corrected an issue where memory Trait Tomes from 2 or more cycles ago would not be carried over
-Improved the stats of Memory Dragon Riders for early game
-Increased the STR of Aggarak the Returned
-Increased the SKL of Calden Blackwall
-English/Chinese Voice sfx languages can now be toggled in the options menu
-You can now choose the form and name of your main character after starting a NG+ cycle
-Reduced the passive regeneration for Zanatus claws
-Necromancer and Dark Mage will display a gray promote arrow instead of green one
-Fixed a crash associated with a squad with an aura effect being disbanded
-Further translation fixes
-Mid-chapter summons no longer count toward the move speed or type of their Squad
-Fixed up some enemy scrambles to avoid janky gameplay situations like walled-off melee units
-Added a ramp to the Southeast Walls in Legends Chapter 3B

Symphony of War Small Update 1.10.04

-More freedom for NG+ Selections
-Stat calculation for memory units adjusted to be less punishing and more consistent
-A number of bug fixes

Memory/NG+ Stats Rebalance
-Memory Units stats should be line with their classes starting stats when being reset to level 1
-Memory Units will now always regain their full stats faster and more smoothly as they level
-Memory Units stats gained from consumables will now carry over with diminishing returns rather than being halved each Cycle
-Nephilim doppelgangers will now scale in stats closer to their base counterparts, but cost 15 Capacity to place in a squad
-Other story characters doppelgangers will now scale in stats closer to their base counterparts
-Veteran Enemies modifier now adds more stats to enemies depending on the Enemy Power setting
-The stat penalty for using Nerfilim has been increased, while the power recharge penalty has been reduced
-Increased the amount of stat growth gained per Cycle with Veteran Troops with diminishing returns
-Veteran Troops setting now also affects doppelgangers and Unique characters, but at a reduced rate
-Memory Units that have had their LDR reduced early game will now consider their highest LDR ever achieved to confer a bonus to LDR Growth
-Memory Units that have had their loyalty reduced will now regain it faster

Other NG+ Changes
-Most NG+ Options can now be set during playthrough
-Memory Units that have reached Golden status can now be class changed freely. They will lose their Golden status temporarily and regain it when they are on an eligible class with max CP
-Memory Fragment gain has been redistributed more evenly through each stage (boosted early game, slightly reduce late game)
-Memory Fragment gain has been redistributed for Arena's relative rarity (bronze and silver fewer fragments, Gold and Platinum more fragments)

Balance changes:
-The Ally prisoner squad in Legends 3A will no longer be targeted by Enemy squads
-Added additional special drops to some squads in Legends 3B
-Moved fort locations and/or added friendly forts to Legends 3B
-The MaxHP pool of the minions in main quest Chapter 30 have been reduced by about 20%

-Dedicated Arena Token slots refreshed with Merchant Storeroom will now scale in price more quickly
-Fixed an issue where Risen could still be summoned after all Unlife units (or all units on Dawn of the Risen) were already wiped out
-Fixed alignment on Warcat's menu sprite
-Fixed description on Calodori charm. (Translation pending)
-Fixed Memory versions of Defiled Donari Tome and Book of Unlife to allow class changes
-Fixed some traits that relied on HP being below or above certain thresholds incorrectly counting shields as HP
-Healers will no longer consider the presence of a shield when deciding whether or not to heal
-Healer classes that can also attack will no longer "standby for heal" and skip out on attacking while on Offense
-Defeats will no longer be tracked during chapter 12
-Kills, defeats, turns, and surrenders will no longer be tracked during Chapters 13, 29, and the tutorial chapter
-Fixed an issue preventing the trait Immortal Spirit from working in Quick Combats
-Fixed an issue with the trait Challenger not resetting after initial use
-All Epic (purple) items that were also Unique were either upgraded to Legendary or are no longer Unique. All remaining Uniques should be Legendary, and all remaining Legendries are Unique
-Platinum Arena will favor dropping a non-unique item you do not own if you own all Unique items.
-Bazaar Shops that have run out of Unique items to sell will now attempt to sell an item you do not own
-Stat growths for Main Character's various classes have been equalized. They will still have different stat modifiers for different classes

Small update 1.10.02

-Permadeath option with New Game+ now properly refreshes based on your starting game choice
-Fixed an issue where Japanese text on High Res font did not format correctly.
-Bugged Hero units (would appear if you did not have Doppelgangers selected) have been removed from the Memory shop
-It should no longer be possible to die during the Tutorial battle versus Zelos, no matter what settings you use
-Increased the squad targeting factor for Exemplar power.
-Fresh Start should no longer untoggle if you check your New Game Plus Options after starting a game without Clear Data
-Proofs of Merit carried over to NG+ now function properly
-Other minor text formatting fixes (additional missing localization text coming soon)

Symphony of War: Legends DLC is live!

Hello everyone, it's finally here! Our first content expansion pack for Symphony of War - Legends DLC, which adds a huge amount of new experiences and replayability!

Buy the Legends DLC now!: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2432430/Symphony_of_War_The_Nephilim_Saga__Legends/


[h2]To access New Game+ please complete the final boss once![/h2]

-Added 8 new chapters, which can be accessed at various points in the main story, and never expire. These chapters scale to your story progress (not your level) and offer many new types of map designs and challenges, as well as unique new artifacts released in the DLC. Several missing pieces of the main story are told in these chapters, as well as some pieces of the past, with foreshadowing to new aspects of the future as well]
-General Ragavi has been upgraded to a full-fledged story character, complete with portrait, and available conversations and bonds

-Field Cannon: T3 firearms unit with cavalry movement

-Oracle: T3 support class that casts a shield on your entire squad

-Arbalest: T3 Archery class that fires 3x the bolts at 40% strength, and comes with a large shield that protects against enemy ranged attacks
-Dark Mage "T4" Mage class that inflicts the very debilitating "Curse" effect
-Necromancer "T4" Mage class that greatly assists and controls in the creation and maintenance of undead units
-War Cat: A large beast (Like dragons) with all aspects of Light Infantry, scaled up to a giant panther
-Behemoth: A direct upgrade to the War Cat with a very powerful claw swipe
-Unlockable super duper secret flying class upon completing one of the DLC chapters
-Multiple "Risen" undead minion classes

Too many options to list - you can do so much with New Game+! Finish a playthrough for a big haul of "Memory Fragments" which you can use to re-purchase old units, artifacts, etc, at the memory shop in home bases. You keep accumulating Memory Fragments when beating levels and doing more game clears. You can potentially have an entire army of undead, or, let's admit, multiple Dianas and Beatrixes! Craziness.

-9 awesome new Unique Legendary Artifacts added, which are acquired via the 8 extra DLC chapters
-8 New Artifacts of uncommon, rare, or epic quality new available for random drops or appearance in shops

-7 New unit Traits new available in the DLC
-6 of these are also available via new Trait Tomes
-2 new class change items, one to unlock Dark Mage, the other to unlock Necromancer
-"Mark of the Risen" use to summon Risen undead minion units into your army


Alongside the Legends DLC, we are also launching a large free patch, which includes a bunch of QoL and is quite compatible with the Legends DLC content, but also enhances the existing game! These updates include:

They've gone to plaid! The brand new Ludicrous difficulty cranks up the enemy AI to become quite clever and ruthless. In addition, the game pulls back a bit on your resources, and gives the enemies a slight stat boost in addition to their far smarter AI. For all combatants, runaway offensive power has been curtailed in the mid to late game, keeping those engagements interesting all the way until the end. Go Permadeath on Ludicrous for the ultimate challenge!

Ludicrous difficulty requires competing Warlord difficulty to access.

With both controller and mouse, you can get hover tooltips for various information, such as traits! We will continue to add more functionality to this new feature.

Watch out, all enemy cavalry squads can now move after attacking, just like you can. This makes them especially deadly when used en masse!

You can now flip switches, take teleporters, and in some cases find treasures without using up your movement points or your action in a turn! It feels so much better now.

Don't want to spoil it too much, but the final boss is a lot more interesting now.

After beating the game, you are now given a final tally of your turns taken, kills, surrenders, and defeats, with a window trim based on difficulty level! The game also tracks these in your save files along the way.

We have rebalanced arena rewards to change up the incentive structure so you don't feel compelled to spam bronze arena a million times for the best outcomes. For example, S rank Platinum arena now yields a guaranteed unique legendary artifact!

There is a new quick view mini-window to view squad leader traits and equipped artifacts for at-a-glance convenience!

In addition to German, Spanish, French, BR-Portuguese, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean, Symphony of War now comes with Russian localization.


Thank you so much for your continued interest and support!

Have a wonderful day, sincerely,