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Machinika Museum News

Machinika Museum is now available on iOS and Android!!

We told you about it..

[h3]Machinika Museum is out today on iOS and Android!! You can find it on Apple Store and Google Play on your phone or tablet.[/h3]

iOS: https://apple.co/2Q2WoRP

Android: https://bit.ly/3tiKdPa


Have fun!

- Littlefield Studio

Patch notes #001

Hello everyone!

First of all, we would like to thank all the players who have played Machinika since the release. We are very happy to see that many of you have enjoyed the game, so thank you very much!

Thanks to your many posts on the Steam discussions, we have been able to identify bugs in the game and fix them. Here's the list of issues that have been fixed:

  • Fixed the bug with the cursor not showing up when launching the game
  • Added the possibility to switch from mouse to controller when the controller is plugged in
  • Fixed the display bug on the scroll in chapter 7
  • Fixed the bug with machine sets in chapter 7
  • Fixed sound bug in the first chapter
  • Fixed 3 bugs in chapters 2, 5 and 7 that could block player progression.

If you encounter any new bugs during your game session, don't hesitate to let us know in the Steam discussions.

Thanks to you for your trust!

- Littlefield Studio

Machinika Museum - OUT NOW on Steam!!

Here we are! After years of hard work at Littlefield Studio...

[h3]Machinika Museum is now available with a 15% discount for 1 week!![/h3]


But that's not all...

[h3]We are announcing today the Apple Store and GooglePlay Store version for a release on April 20th 2021!! Pre-registers are open now. [/h3]


We thank you in advance for your trust and hope you will have a good time on Machinika!

- Littlefield Studio

Machinika Museum release in ONE WEEK!

You've been waiting for it, in only one week Machinika Museum will finally be available on Steam!

[h3]Machinika will have a 15% discount on the occasion of its release on 23 March, for 7 days.

Add the game to your whishlist, and be notified the day it is released by clicking below:


And also watch the trailer here:

We hope to see you there!

- Littlefield Studio

How we created Machinika Museum

[h3]Hi everyone, I'm Greg, founder of Littlefield Studio, and designer of Machinika Museum. [/h3]

As a fan of science fiction, there's always that part in a series or a movie that I love.. It's when a scientist discovers an alien machine, that he/she has never seen, a totally unknown technology, and yet, in 30 seconds he manages to get the thing started. That always cracks me up. That is a stapple of science fiction. Sure it is a little excessive, but it's part of it: discovering something unknown is exciting.. What does it do? How does it work? Where does it come from? That's what I wanted to do with Machinika Museum.

Starting that project was really exciting. But also scary. I wanted to have players feel the excitment of facing the unknown.. But I feared going a little too far was risky. If I set the game on some remote alien planet with the player looking at some totally weird machines they couldn't make sense of... Well that was risky. That would have been fun for us as developpers, but the game isn't for us; it's for the players. And by going too far, I feared I might loose some people along the way.

That's where the "Museum" part came in. Something we can related to. Sometimes it's nice to stay just a little grounded. And developping Machinika was very much a down to earth thing. One day I'll have to tell how we designed one of my favorite puzzles with a bag of M&Ms and some lego bricks... That's a story for another time.

For now the museum will open it's doors on March 23. Do not forget to whishlist the game before its release!


See you there!

- Littlefield Studio