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Update 16 Free Version Released

Hey everybody! Update 16 is now out for the free version.

Hope you enjoy all the new content! Check the changelog on the main menu if you want to see everything that was added since the last version. Also, check the character pages and it'll show all content that you haven't seen for each character. Hope you enjoy!

To premium edition players, there is also a patch here to fix some of the bugs and inconsistencies that have been found in the last few weeks. All of those changes are in the changelog as well.

As always, let me know if you have any issues, either here or through Discord. After today, I'm taking a few days off for the holidays, so if there's anything wrong, after today I won't be available to fix it until next week. Hopefully it all works out okay!

Hope you all have happy holidays, if it's something you celebrate! Stay safe! Thanks for all the support! Love ya!

Update 16 Premium Edition Released

Hello everybody! Update 16 is now available. I hope you love it and have a lot of fun and let me know what you think when you're finished. Be sure to check the character profiles for new content and take a look at the changelog on the main menu if you want to know everything that's been added/fixed.

As always, if you hit any bugs or find typos or any of that, feel free to comment here to report those, or go onto the Discord and report in the help & bugs channel.

Thanks for all the support! You guys are great!

Update 16 Trailer and November Progress Report

Hey everybody!

Check out the trailer for the new update!


It is the first trailer on the store page now, or you can watch at the Vimeo link below:


Hope you enjoy it and it gets you pumped up for release. I'm really excited about it. I'm so ready for this one to be out and for you all to play it.

Over the last month, despite getting married and taking a week off for my honeymoon (it was great, thank you for all the congrats and well wishes), I also finished up all the content in the Update and have been testing it and improving things. I think you'll all like the additions I've made. I'm always looking for ways to make the menus more clear, the hint system more robust, and the sandbox less cumbersome.

Next week I'll be sending the Update over to my alpha testers, then it will go into beta the week after that. Reminder that beta release is for my high-tier ($20+) subscribers over on Patreon, if you want to get in on that. Then the week after, the Premium Edition will release here on Steam. Here's the dates, to make it a little more clear:

Beta ($20+ Patrons) - November 27th
Premium Edition - December 4th
Free Edition - December 22nd

This is the first time I've not released on a Friday and am instead releasing the beta and premium edition on a Monday. This is because of Thanksgiving. I'll be out of town for the Thursday and Friday around Thanksgiving, so won't be able to get the final touches done on the Beta release until the weekend. That pushes the Premium release back a couple of days as well. And I decided to keep the free release on Friday two weeks later.

That's pretty much it! I'm really excited about this update. I'm feel very good about it. I can't wait for you all to play it. It's looking very good.

Share the trailer around to anybody you think might like the game! Love all of y'all and thank you for all the support you've given me! Take care and see you in just a few more weeks with the Update!

October Progress Report

Hey everybody! I wanted to let you all know what's going on with development of the update right now.

I'm still working hard on it and am about 80% done with the content at this point. I expect to be finished with the content by the end of the month, but after that there is still some coding that I have to do - improving the menus, adding all the hint text, things like that - plus all the testing that has to happen before release.

So I'm currently still expecting release for the Premium Edition to be close to the beginning of December and then the Free Edition two weeks after that.

Another thing that is slowing down production a bit. I'm actually getting married this month. My partner and I have been together for 10 years and we're finally making it legal. So that's taking a little time away from my work. And we have a honeymoon planned for the end of the month that I'll be taking a week off for.

Things are looking good though. The update is coming along nicely. I love working on this game. I love all the fans and you have all been so supportive and amazing. Thanks for everything!

September Progress Report

Hey everybody! I wanted to let you all know how things are going on the development end right now.

Update 15 was released in July and I've been working on Update 16 non-stop since then. It's a big update and I'm close to halfway done with it right now. I don't have a release date to tell you on it yet, but expect it to be somewhere around the beginning of December.

Just to tease a little though, here are some of the things you can expect to see in Update 16:

  • Major scenes with Suzy, Tammy, Izzy, Nora, Brandi, and Bai.
  • For the first time, dates with Lisa.
  • New date locations for Suzy/Tammy, Dana, Izzy, and Bai.
  • The return of Brandi Chat.
  • Tons of new sex options for almost every character, including 4 threesomes and 2 foursomes.
  • Around 800 new images and 56 new animations.

The Premium Edition also gets some more bonus stuff:
  • A new Souls of War scene with Adrian.
  • A threesome scene involving Gertrude.
  • Bonus beach date with Juliana.
  • Alternate date clothing options for Brandi (Theater), Dana (Bar), Izzy (Theater), Jez (Luigi's), Kendra (Grotto), Mi-Cha (Theater), Reba (Lake), Suzy (Jackson Burger).

There's a whole lot more than this, but this is just the highlights. I also plan on spending more time on the menu system and improving that a bit, adding more functionality to it and visual appeal as well. I realize that some people were disappointed that the percentages were taken away in the last update and while I don't plan on adding them back in the same form, I'll be putting something else there that accomplishes the same thing in a better way, I think.

Okay, that's pretty much all I have right now. I'm getting back to work. Still have a long way to go before the update is finished. I'll make another progress report next month. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them down in the comments. I read most of the comments that you guys make and I'll answer what I can.

Thanks as always for all the support you've given me! Love ya!