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SunnySide News

SunnySide Demo Update

Hello SunnySide Fam!

It has been an amazing week! Huge thank you to everyone who has downloaded, played, streamed, and wishlisted SunnySide over the last 7 days. You are all AMAZING.

Now, let’s clear up a small little thing about the demo: Saving.

We just want to be clear in letting y’all know that there is nothing wrong with the game’s save system, and it works just fine. We simply removed it because we didn’t think it would be necessary for a demo, the purpose of which is simply for you to try the game and see if you like it.

Well, y’all told us we were wrong. And we heard you.

So we’re happy to announce that we’ve made some updates to the Demo, and you can download it now!

[h2]Here’s the change list![/h2]
  • SAVING HAS BEEN ENABLED. Simply sleep at your tent to save.
  • Fixed the issue with NPCs sometimes not hiding correctly during a cutscene. No more double Gabe.
  • Fixed the long-running issue of the player not appearing in some cutscene intros.
  • Skill tree tutorial no longer appears before the player has unlocked the tree.
  • The battle menu in the inventory now correctly disappears if Sparky's off doing...whatever Sparky does.
  • Added two new errors that appear when planting crops:
    • An error that appears if you try to plant a pack.
    • An error that appears if the size of the plot is incorrect.
  • A whole new backup way of watering:
    • You can now water crops one by one using any item that is tagged as "can be used as water". This is a cumbersome yet backup way for people to water their crops if they cannot reach a water hose nearby.
  • Gabe's animals can no longer (hopefully) open the main gates to his ranch area.
  • The player can no longer pass out while the intro animation to the skill tree is playing.
  • Time no longer gets stuck on paused when closing the map app (after opened via the hotkey).
  • Added an accessibility option to disable phone rotation with the cursor.
  • Added input option to invert camera movement on two axes.
  • Changed the filling prompt on the gamepad for plots to the right bumper instead of the left.
  • The Claw Machine and Gacha Machine no longer continue to accept player input even after player not having enough money.
  • We no longer have two Fridays on the map app side panel.
  • Reworked how vehicle stations such as bicycle rack work, this means the bicycle now spawns as soon as you build the rack no longer needing to wait a whole day.
  • Fixed the incorrect blueprint for the Tent build item.
  • Changed the way our snowman looks for more accuracy.
  • Can no longer discard tools in the inventory.
  • Plots of soil should work normally now for planting seeds.
  • The omikuji tree now works a lot more reliably.
  • The omikuji tree now supports gamepad.
  • The omikuji item window no longer stretches the item icon.
  • The hover menu on inventory items now display the rarity of the item.
  • Can no longer get hardlocked into the ofuda post purchase window if the player presses Esc instead of continue.
  • Can no longer click on ofuda boxes without interacting with the ofuda box first.
  • Can no longer continue to click on the ofuda boxes after buying one.
  • We now allow the game to accept purchases that would take player's money to exactly 0.
  • Fixed the incorrect glass material on the bus.
  • Polished up the animation on the item reveal window and made it faster.
  • Item reveal window now has the hover menu if it is showing the player an inventory item.
  • Implemented the "fullness" system onto the omikuji trees.
  • Fixed the incorrect material on many ofudas.
  • Fixed the incorrect rarity being calculated for Ofudas.
  • Fixed the strength modifier not working properly.
  • A whole new hover menu for Ofudas and Action chipsets!
    • This menu appears inside inventories as well as battle planner and mid battle when hovering over an Ofuda or Action chipset giving you all the relevant information you need about them.
  • A whole new hover menu for Ofudas and Profile chipsets! Works the same as above.
  • Tooltips now disappear a lot more reliably when they're no longer needed.
  • Swimming now works consistantly in all rivers and lakes. Ocean to come.
  • No more ballerina dancing when falling into the water from ragdoll.
  • Implemented a whole new system for escaping battles. When escaped, ancients, instead of destroying now go on a cooldown and reappear after that cooldown. No more cheesing it.
  • Major cleanup in ancients code, they now properly stay destroyed after successful battles, even if reloading a save.
  • Hiro's drones no longer continue to duplicate through the course of the game.
  • Redesigned the elemental alignment icons, they should be much clearer about what they do.
  • Sparky now politely turns off his front light if it was switched on during cutscenes and when boarding a vehicle.
  • Can no longer pick up the omikuji or profile chipset in the middle of a battle.
  • Reworked how Omikujis and Profile Chipsets work: From now on if the player is missing either, their default alignments will be set to weak to everything. This works as a backup and solves the problem of missing alignments completely.
  • NPCs now correctly move out of their stations once they're done, no longer getting stuck in them hopefully. You might see them teleport occassionally but that is the next step in our mandatory NPC behaviour class.
  • Major optimisation on memory, this should hopefully reduce/stop the crashes that some players experienced.
  • Fixed the inconsistency with the pitchfork when digging/filing-in plots.
  • Digging new plots is now a lot more accurate on collision checking, allowing you to place plots next to each other easier and without annoyance.
  • Omikuji alignments no longer show up on build items.
  • Mini bosses now save properly after defeating them.
  • If the player is about to passout and they're interacting with a cooking appliance, the appliance menu now closes properly.

If Steam hasn't prompted you for an update, it usually is dispatched via region slowly. If you'd like to force Steam to update the game, fully restart steam (close it from your system tray or task manager).

We still have a lot of work left to do on SunnySide, but we’ll keep adding updates to the demo as long as we keep improving the game.

Thank you again from everyone at RainyGames and Merge for playing and loving SunnySide. We know that it’s a very different game compared to what people are used to in the genre, and we really appreciate everyone’s patience and understanding in trying and learning our unique approach.

[h3]Also, a special note to our friends in Japan. [/h3]



You have completely blown us away. We never expected to receive so much love and support from your incredible nation, and we sincerely thank you all for your kind messages, words of support, and thousands (WOW!) of wishlists. We did our best to show your incredible country as much respect as we could without actually being able to travel there and research, and we thank you for your patience with us. We try to read as many comments as we can and we remain open to any feedback you have for us, so please let us know if anything in SunnySide is accidentally offensive. We truly tried our best.

Thank you again to everyone, and please continue to enjoy the demo!
With Love,

SunnySide is at The MIX Spring Games Showcase 2024!

Hey everyone, exciting news!

SunnySide is a part of the The MIX Spring Games Showcase 2024!

Come down to play SunnySide at Terra Gallery, 511 Harrison Street, San Francisco on March 18th, between 8pm-11pm PT!

For more information on the MIX event, click here!

We're looking forward to seeing you there \(^^)/

Don't forget to join our discord for exciting events and news about the game!

Wishlist SunnySide now on Steam!


SunnySide Demo is now Live!

[h2]Today is a really big day for SunnySide![/h2]

You may have noticed that there has been a small update to the SunnySide Steam page.
For the first time, today, SunnySide is available for the general public to play, in Demo form.

We can’t begin to express how excited (and terrified) we are about SunnySide finally getting out there for the world to see. We also want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has supported us all these years, both for your patience and encouragement.
SunnySide is an incredible community, and we love you all.

This Demo is public, and you’re free to stream it, tweet it, share it, play it, and replay it as long as it’s available on the store.

[h2]So what does this demo have?[/h2]

Simply put, the demo is the first 10 in-game days of SunnySide. It is meant to be played in one-shot, so nothing will be saved. You’re free to play it as many times as you like, and you can save your character in the Character Creator to be used again when the game fully releases later this year.

Please keep in mind that SunnySide is still a work in progress. There are still some bugs and polishing to be done, and we’re working hard on it, so no need to report any issues you may have.

We can’t wait to see all the pictures from everyone enjoying the game, and we’d love to see you in our Discord!

Meet Ryozo Hara

Ryozo is one of the more enigmatic residents of SunnySide, as he often splits his time between the University Research Field Lab on the edge of town and lecturing on campus in the city. His knowledge and drive to protect the weaker members of the ecosystem are infectious, but passion, unfortunately, doesn't pay the bills. If you want to get to know him, be sure to invite him somewhere with lots of grass and native insects.

Join our Discord community for exciting events and news about the game!

Wishlist SunnySide now on Steam!


"Watch This Garden Grow" Music Video!

Hey everyone!

We have some exciting news for everyone today!

We’re happy to officially release SunnySide’s new theme song: ‘Watch This Garden Grow’. We really hope you enjoy the accompanying animated music video!

Watch the full video here:

Later today, you’ll also be able to find this song on all music streaming platforms, just search for the song title!

We’ve been waiting over a year to share this song with the community, and we can’t begin to explain how incredibly excited we are. Shout out to Matt and Mandy for their incredible vocals, and the whole team who worked so hard to make ‘Watch This Garden Grow’ a reality. This song is very near and dear to us, and we hope it will be to you all, too.

See you in SunnySide!

Don’t forget to join our Discord community for exciting events and news about the game.

Wishlist SunnySide now on Steam!