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Home News

Please nominate Home for a Steam Award today!

Did you love Home? Get sucked into its story or in discussing it with others? Then please take five seconds and click that lovely blue button on the store page, and nominate the game for the "Choices Matter" award!

Go the store page

Thanks so much for all your support!

Please nominate Home for a Steam Award today!

Did you love Home? Get sucked into its story or in discussing it with others? Then please take five seconds and click that lovely blue button on the store page, and nominate the game for the "Choices Matter" award!

Go the store page

Thanks so much for all your support!

Complete the set with the "Home Alone With You" bundle

Did you love Home but haven't had played Alone With You yet? Well, have we got the bundle for you!

Yes, we've been planning this wordplay joke for five years. No, no — we are not proud of it. But still — it's a great bundle at a great price!

Get the bundle here (or gift it to a friend)!

Complete the set with the "Home Alone With You" bundle

Did you love Home but haven't had played Alone With You yet? Well, have we got the bundle for you!

Yes, we've been planning this wordplay joke for five years. No, no — we are not proud of it. But still — it's a great bundle at a great price!

Get the bundle here (or gift it to a friend)!

UPDATE - v1.6.2 (minor fixes)

A tiny update to address a few tiny things.

Bug fixes and improvements

- found a few typos
- fixed a very rare audio bug in the factory