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Kerbal Space Program News

Recreating gravity in games is harder than you'd think

Gravity is one of the simplest and most complicated things in existence. It's both as straightforward as jumping, and a source of cosmic machinations and monsters that defy the imagination. The entity holding you to the ground right now is the same principle of attraction that leads to black holes – exhausted stars that have collapsed under their own mass, growing denser and denser until, at last, they form a vortex so absolute that time deforms and not even light can escape the pull...
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Fly me to the Mun with these adorable Kerbal Space Program artisan keycaps

If you truly want to display your passion for getting all of Kerbalkind travelling through the cosmos, then the new Kerbal Space Program artisan keycaps are truly the best way. Well, the best way to show it off to anyone looking at your keyboard, I guess...
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Mortal Kombat 11, Final Fantasy 12 added to PlayStation Now for January

Sony announced that January will see six new games added to the streaming gaming service PlayStation Now, mixing big budget and indie releases that add up to a quality month overall.

The games are Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age, Mortal Kombat 11, Super Time Force Ultra, Fury Unleashed, Unturned, and Kerbal Space Program. The games provide a nice spread for gamers to sink their teeth into.

This list covers the spectrum of releases we usually see in a microcosm. You have the big-budget spectacles in Final Fantasy 12 and Mortal Kombat 11 and the indie creativity of Super Time Force Ultra and Kerbal Space Program, not to mention Unturned and Fury Unleashed as potential hidden gems. Add to this the already overwhelming amount of games available for PlayStation Now and you’ve got a formidable cloud gaming service, though one that’s still very much reliant on the cloud in a world that doesn’t quite have the internet infrastructure to fully take advantage of its potential.

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Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3 is live!

Hello Kerbonauts!

Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3 is live!

This small patch addressed drifting issues with robotic parts and rotating docking ports.

Check out this patch's Changelog for further details:
==================== v1.12.3 ====================
+++ Bugfixes
* Fix AOORE in Assembly Loading of Duplicate Mod DLLs causing issues with loading of some mods.
* Improved robotic parts drift when robotic parts are left locked. Players can now quicksave/reload or timewarp to reset part placement. Note: The drift issue can only be corrected when the robotic parts are set to locked mode.
* Improved rotating docking ports drift when rotating docking ports are left locked. Players can now quicksave/reload or timewarp to reset part placement. Note: The drift issue can only be corrected when the rotating docking ports are set to locked mode.

+++ Modding
* Add UpgradePipeline support for PartModule renaming.

Learn more in the Drifting Along KSP DevBlog.

You can still help us find bugs/issues by reporting them into our bugtracker, but keep in mind that the team's focus is currently on KSP2 development, so bug fixing for the original game has slowed down significantly.

Happy launchings!

NASA to relive most Kerbal Mun landings by throwing spaceship at rock

NASA has a plan to stop potentially dangerous asteroids headed towards Earth, and it involves throwing spacecraft at them until they go away...
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