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Influent News

Steam Winter Sale

For anyone considering picking up a new language, Influent offers a unique way to learn both vocabulary and pronunciation in a 3D environment. Select any object in your apartment to see the translation and hear its native pronunciation as well as add words to your vocab list that you can practice later in customized challenge modes.

Choose from over 20 languages and try it for FREE in French, Italian, and Korean today! Also be sure to check out the Polyglot Pack, which gives you access to all existing language packs and all futures ones too! Happy learning and happy new year! ːchipdroidː

The Steam Winter Sale Is Here!

Is It 2021 Yet?

If you or someone you know has ever wanted to start learning a new language, the new year is right around the corner so it might be time to start thinking about those resolutions! Influent provides a fun way to pick up a good vocabulary and is just the thing for learning proper pronunciation! Now available in over 20 languages!

What's A Polyglot?

Speaking of 20+ languages, the Polyglot Pack, which contains all languages, is also on sale at a very significant discount. What most people don't know is that purchasing the Polyglot Pack also grants you access to all future language releases! Grab it now during the biggest sale event of the year and get a head start on those resolutions while you still have time!

Hungary for Ukrainian?

Food for Thought!

Whether you're a polyglot hankering for more languages or you crave a new life in East or Western Europe, your appetite might be satiated by learning some Hungarian and Ukrainian with Influent today! You can even scoop them both up as part of the Polyglot Pack DLC bundle that includes all current (and future!) language packs at an 80% discount!

Starved for More?

These two new language packs signal a return to development on Influent and have opened Pandora's box! This may not be the content update you were hoping for but good things are on the horizon for Influent! So before you prepare to make all sorts of demands for more content in the comments section, stay woke! Updates are coming...

Influent Free Edition

Fait Chier!

Nobody likes to be quarantined. That much we can all agree upon. Although we're all fairly upset about this whole fiasco, why not make light of a bad situation and pick up something new like Taekwondo! Not your thing? Well how bout a new language? Say French, Italian, or maybe Korean? Starting today, all three of these languages are being bundled into a new "Free Edition" and given away! This time it isn't just a promotional free weekend, it's a permanent ordeal!

Influent À La Carte!

Not terribly interested in seeing the Mona Lisa? Venice not on your bucket list? Kimchi not striking your fancy? You may want to give the Free Edition a whirl anyhow since you could still be interested in one of the many other language pack DLCs on offer. Along with this whole transition to free to play, the price of all DLC language packs will be increased to $9.99. But fear not! All DLC will stay at $4.99 for the remainder of April so get 'em while they're hot!

Bon Courage!

Hopefully this will provide many of you stuck at home with something fun and productive to do while waiting for the stay-at-home advisory to end. Until then, stay positive, stay productive, and stay healthy! With the power of video games, we can all get through this creeping malaise. Let the games begin!

PS - Whether you like it, love it, hate it, or just want to make me feel bad about myself, please feel free to leave a thoughtful review! Well-written reviews offer a lot to both the developer and potential players!

Let There Be Light

So What Gives?

Now I know what you're thinking...
"When is there going to be an actual content update? What is this, just some stupid lighting update? Gahh! Get off my feed!"

Well beside that being a little harsh (jeez), we're actually in the same boat here. I honestly want a content update even more than you do! Problem is I just don't have time for all that while I juggle Armed and Gelatinous' upcoming console release and build fancy Arcade Machines for arcade bars all across the country. Yes, that's what I've been doing and it's really hard work!

But fear not! This update is proof that Influent has not been entirely forgotten! Not only that, but some long-requested fixes have been addressed! Let me list the ways...

  • Fantastic Lighting System ft. Realtime Shadows
  • Fly By Mode Unlocks at 10 Words
  • Much Improved Fly By Movement
  • Re-positioned Hard-To-Reach Objects
  • Improved Physics Animation System
  • Fixed Dreaded Linux Selection Offset Bug

Why bother with all this, you ask? Excellent question! Influent was in need of some love and affection and I've been meaning to fix it up to where it's fully playable by 2020's standards. I will be keeping an eye on the Discord Server and the Steam Forums to see what people have to say! Please stop by and tell me how excited you are about the fancy new realtime shadows! :D

Until next time! Hopefully sooner than later!

For the immediate interim, please enjoy this super awesome Free Weekend event starting... today! Full access to all EFIGS languages from now through Monday for your gaming pleasure. Take advantage of being trapped indoors (just like Andrew Cross) and why not try picking up a new language? Sigh...

Enjoy the new build!!!