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Wars Across The World News

Minor Summer fixes

MInor fixes in latest release. Translation updated in Serbia 1914

Scenario Fixes and Updates

Minor scenario content fixes for Byzantium 1116 and Hamilkar 264

Minor Code Update: disappearing Air Units fix

An occasional and unfrequent bug leading to the disappearance of air units after battle, during the return to base phase, has been found and fixed. Planes shall no longer vanish if they can find an eligible airfield within range.

They will still disappear when none is rachable, either because the said arifield(s) is/are full or is/are out of range of the plane(s).

Minor Update

  • Fixed global port entry rules
  • Fixed Egyptian Retreat card in Six Days 1967
  • Fixed Hamilkar port entry rules

Battle of the Coral Sea Anniversary

Coral Sea 1942 covers the May 1942 Japanese invasion attempt of Port Moresby, New Guinea, and the air and naval campaigns around it. The Japanese forces must capture Port Moresby and establish bases in the Solomon islands, but their offensive could be well stopped by the Allies naval and air forces. The American and Australian have to prevent the Japanese from achieving their objectives, without losing too much of their meagre resources.

Find out about it in a WAW DLC scheduled to release on May 21st.

And for those Pacific War enthusiasts who love deeper and more detail simulation, please check the Store page below with our sister company Avalon Digital's new game, Carrier Battles and wishlist it if you like it.
