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Doorways: Holy Mountains of Flesh News

Interview to the team at Saibot Studios 🤓

Hello everybody! How are you doing?

Today we have something special to share with you 😎

We're talking about an interview made by La Guardia Producciones for Construir TV.

They uploaded a version back then but it had some problems and it disapear from internet 👎

So after a year, we decided to fix those problems with the material we have and uploaded it to our channel on You Tube:
Hope you like it as much as we do. We talk about Saibot Studios, Hellbound, Doorways, but also about the videogame local industry and a bunch more!

Cheers from the team!

Tobias, Fernando, Viktor, David, Juan, Leonardo and Federico

DLCs content for FREE! 🎁

Hello everybody! How have you been?

We've been doing great, working hard on the Campaign Mode of Hellbound 😈

But today we want to let you know that we've decided to give away the content from our DLCs 👍

That's right! All the Music, Videos and Concept Art are now included in a folder named "Extras" located inside your game's directory :doorways_skull:

So let's check this "Secret Relics" out!

Tobias Rusjan and the team at Saibot Studios

Video Update - December, 2017

Hello everybody!

We want to share with you our 2017 recap video with the lastest news from our current project Hellbound:

Cheers and Happy New Year!

Tobias Rusjan and the team at Saibot Studios

Video Update - December, 2017

Hello everybody!

We want to share with you our 2017 recap video with the lastest news from our current project Hellbound:

Cheers and Happy New Year!

Tobias Rusjan and the team at Saibot Studios


The wait is over!

We present to you our new creation... It's Grotesque and it's called HELLBOUND!

The team at Saibot Studios