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Pharaonic News

Ziggurat 2 - Available on Early Access now!

Ziggurat 2, the long awaited sequel to the successful roguelike FPS dungeon crawler, is now available on Steam Early Access.

Check it out now!


Ziggurat 2 - Coming soon to Early Access!

We've got a big announcement to make today!

Ziggurat 2, the long awaited sequel to the successful roguelike FPS dungeon crawler, will be released on Steam Early Access on October 22nd.

Make sure to add the game to your wishlist so you get notified once it's available!


Check out the trailer for some cool gameplay sequences!


Steam Summer Sale - Our discounts


Steam Summer Sales are here! Don't forget to check out our games and complete your collection!







And if you're missing just a few games, check out the Milkstone Studios Complete Collection for an even higher discount! https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/460/Milkstone_Studios_Complete_Collection/

Farm Together Available now!

Farm Together has finished its Early Access process and is available now!


It's been an incredible experience to watch so many people enjoying the game and being so creative for the 7 months the game has been in Early Access! We sincerely hope you keep enjoying the game for a long time.

We want to thank our backers for the support and feedback offered through the whole process so, as compensation for the effort you've done (and endured our mistakes in some cases), we'll gift you with a Supporters Pack DLC for free, including exclusive clothing, hairstyles and a new tractor.

Also wanted to add: Don't you worry! We've got plenty of content planned for the future (starting with a Halloween event that will start next week), and plan to keep working on the game as long as there's a demand for it, so please pass by the Steam Forums, the Official subreddit, or the Official Discord group[discord.gg] and leave your comments!

Farm Together available now in Early Access!

Farm Together has been just released on Early Access, and you should be able to get it now!


The first release features plenty of items and buildings for you to play with, and we'll keep adding new content on a weekly basis, as well as new features depending on the feedback we get, so make sure to pass by the forums and leave your comments!

We also have set up our own public farm (named Milkstone Studios), so feel free to join and help us grow it!

Hope you enjoy the game!