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One Way To Die News

CoaguCo XMas Events Are Live

Happy holidays, folks! Technically the events all went live on the 15th of December, but you probably already knew that. Sadly we don't have any extra goodies this year as there is pretty heavy development of updates for all the games currently underway. The best we have is a little news and a reminder that the in-game events are going on until January 3rd.

Into Oblivion
Players of Into Oblivion will be getting the big v2.0 patch (probably) before the year is out! Multiplayer testing is underway and once those bugs are done, the game will be ready to update. There are some extra features that were going to be added in beyond the ton of stuff already in the update, but that'll be saved for the Q1 DLC update.

Currently, in the holiday event, you can drink against the Krampus in the frozen wastes. There should also be six extra drinks you can make and unlock as well as two additional achievements and some extra unlockable skins.

The Dope Game
The remaster is still on-going and a fresh test for that should be live early next year. Everything still seems to be on track for the remaster to release May 2022.

Currently, in the holiday event, Starkham is feeling festive as are all the NPC's. Drug names have been swapped into gifts and you can scoop up an achievements by playing Santa. There's even one for smashing snowmen, if that's your thing.

One Way To Die
The game's for-real final update with new game mode is also still underway. It will probably be out Q2 of 2022. We promise no new achievements. Probably.

Currently, in the holiday event, there are 10 extra deaths you can stumble across and finding them will net you the holiday achievement.

That's it for the holiday and update news! Next year, after all these big updates come out, we are planning something a little more exciting and new for the holiday events. Stay warm and safe out there!

CoaguCo Halloween Events Now Live

Hey there! Just a friendly reminder that the Halloween events for The Dope Game, Into Oblivion, and One Way To Die are now active until November 2nd.

All games have special holiday-themed achievements available to unlock. The Dope Game features costumed NPC's and holiday changes to the environments, as well as drugs being renamed as candies. Into Oblivion unlocks a new bot, with their arena, and adds in six special holiday drinks that can be used whenever after being unlocked. One Way To Die just includes a few extra holiday deaths but no graphical changes.

That's it for this holiday season! Stay safe and warm out there.

CoaguCo Fall Update - Haulin' Oats, The Dope Game, And More

Hey there, happy fall! And with the change of the seasons we are back from a lengthy vacation to update you on where and when various games will see the light of day. For fun, this will be in chronological order.

Into Oblivion

So the Brewmaster expansion won't be around until, probably, Q3 2022; however, the game will be getting a large update very soon for the upcoming Steam Tabletop Fest. Yeah, this month... in about two weeks. That soon.

What's in it? The game's version of Godot will be updated to 3.3.4; maybe 3.4 if that comes out before the update. Tons of code has been updated under the hood in preparation for Brewmaster, including the networking which has all be ported over to Steam instead of Godot's internal networking. This will make all the multiplayer stuff much more smooth.

In addition to these, there are a few graphical upgrades and animation changes. Menu layouts have been altered too. The old "embiggen" mode was pulled temporarily to be replaced with better accessibility modes in the Brewmaster update. The native resolution is now 1440p, up from 1080p. And, naturally, a bunch more tiny tweaks that will be outlined in the change log when it launches.

Haulin' Oats

Our next big release will be out in Q1 2022. Haulin' Oats is currently undergoing networking re-writes and various graphical upgrades for the last beta version. Trust me, all those graphical assets take a long time to draw and implement.

Along with these updates for the beta will be the Haulin' Oats rule book which will be available for download so you can read about each square during, prior, or post game-play. The rule book is also part of the possible physical version of the game that you can play at home with friends... if you have them. More on the possibility of this physical version will be talked about after the official Steam launch.

The Dope Game: Remaster

Probably the most asked about, The Dope Game missed its original remaster release window of May 2021. Too many asset changes, code changes, and covid dragged the process out. However, considering we are closer to the end now, the release day can pretty reliably be set at May 30th, 2022.

There have been a bunch of weird, new features added to the game since the last update and the next beta update should be pretty juicy. It may or may not show up as an Xmas present for you all.

One Way To Die: Final Cut

The oldest of our games and one that started as a joke a long time ago, is getting one final update which will add a graphical version. This was teased earlier in the year and, well, let's tease it again.

While there is no hard date, the One Way To Die: Final Cut version should be out in Summer 2022. It hasn't been decided yet if the fully text version will be removed or not. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Raise Your Own Clone

Last and very much least, a game I personally hated working on, is Raise Your Own Clone. Between design and release, much was lost and development felt like a drag. To fix all that, the game is getting a re-imagining and new life in Q4 2022.

None of the actual story content will change; however, the presentation will change greatly. If you remember your way through each story, it'll make playing the new version that much easier. And, finally, we will have a version of the game that we can feel good about.

That's it for now. More updates will follow as each of these game's updates come out or get closer. Stay tuned!

Haulin' Oats, The Dope Game Remaster, One Way To Die - Summer Status Update

Hey long-haul trucks, dope fiends, and death seekers! There has been some silence as things are being worked on so here is a post to address all three games and their update statuses for the summer; including vague release windows. As it is the year of delays in games, films, and what-not, these three are no different. We will start at the top of the list and work our way down.

Haulin' Oats

If you've visited the Haulin' Oats Steam store page lately you'd notice the release date has been changed to "Ready When Ready" from the tentative June 2021 date. That being said, in the last update I believe it was mentioned the game as going to be released sometime in the summer and that June was a just a holding date.

Since real-life takes importance over development-life and there is a lot more polish I'd like to put on the game before releasing it, summer might still be a valid target but the game may not see the light of day until fall. The next beta update will be the multiplayer test update and there will be posts about it right before it happens.

Nonetheless, various things have been upgraded since the last test update: art, code, shader effects, etc. Things are shaping up and calmly walking towards a final build but not just yet.

The Dope Game Remaster

Second on our list is The Dope Game Remaster, which was due out on May 30th, 2021; the five-year anniversary. However, it won't be making that date but that is because of all the love this remaster is getting.

Seriously. All of the art has been redone, multiplayer has been added (which goes into test soon), every system and interface has been upgrade and expanded, a new area to deal in, new NPC, armor, organ harvesting, stuff to spend your money on, etc. Most of the new stuff is borrowed from The Dope Game 2 as a test so I know what to work on and what to avoid before that starts full development.

While we will miss the May 30th release, the remaster will be out sometime after that and before summer ends. To avoid another delay post, there will not be a hard date set. However, there will be posts when the multiplayer test is ready and the final release should be shortly after that... with the appropriate post shortly beforehand.

One Way To Die

Lastly and least-ly, One Way To Die is getting it's final (yes, final) update. The original final update contained some code changes, minor polish, an opt-out for multiplayer, and an engine upgrade. However, since this game is over 12 years old now, I figured I'd give the old girl a better send-off.

The game that started out a joke and has had a lot of revisions and updates over those years will finally make one last pivot into a graphical version. Yes, all you folks who hate reading can finally play it as a graphical adventure. It is something that has been mulled over for a while now and is finally happening.

This will also significantly overhaul how the multiplayer / sabotage mode works. Choose and Random modes will finally be retired with Story mode being revamped as the solo text-only mode. There is release date set for this but probably fall, if I had to guess.

There is a bunch of other stuff happening in the shadows with Into Oblivion and Raise Your Own Clone as well as some unnamed projects but we won't get into that until 2022. And while it is quiet right now, there will be a lot of updates and releases coming soon. Talk to you then!

X-Mas Events In (Most) CoaguCo Games Now Live

Hey there! It's that time of year, again, so here's your annual reminder that the seasonal X-Mas events have become active in The Dope Game, Into Oblivion, and One Way To Die.

The events will run from today (December 15th) until January 3rd; granted you can always change your computer's clock to extend it. Each game has it's own variety of holiday additions. For those of you new to any of the games, or just don't remember, here is what you can expect.

The Dope Game
All the outside environments get a fresh coating of snow and the NPC's don their holiday apparel. A short mini-game of smash the snowmen is active; this will also net you a special achievement when completed. All the drugs get festive nicknames and can be gifted to NPC's, depending on their personal tastes. Gifting everyone also unlocks an achievement.

Into Oblivion
It is time for the Krampus. He is a bot you can drink against and, like other bots, beating him will give you access to some new skins and a new arena. There are also some special holiday drinks you can mix up. Mix them all and unlock an X-Mas achievement.

One Way To Die
Last and actually least, there are 10 holiday-specific death events that should be available. Collecting all X-Mas deaths will pop the related achievement.

That's it for now and have a happy holiday or the rough equivalent!