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Oxenfree News

An Oxenfree update has Oxenfree 2 bleeding backwards in time

Delightfully good indie horror game Oxenfree has gotten a new update, and it looks like the dimension and time bending weirdness is bleeding from the upcoming sequel into the first game. With Oxenfree 2: Lost Signal on the way, developers Night School Studio have crossed the streams of games about crossing the streams...
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Patch 3.1.1 ■ ◼︎🁢N🀰🀫otes

We tried to stop it. We failed. Signals are breaking through into OXENFREE and we can't block them, no matter how many patches or changes we m🀫ke to the game. We're in troubl🀰. All of us.

If we're going to beat wha■ ever is invading the r🀫dio waves, we're going to need your hel🀫. Hard🀰n Tower. Epipha◼︎y Fields. Fo🀫t Milner. Download this new patch, 🀫o there, and tell us what you hear.

Don’t forget to add OXENFREE II to your wishlist and follow Night School Studio on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for updates.

3.1.0 Patch Notes

The latest OXENFREE patch addresses minor bugs. It also improves the radio system’s range and stability for tuning into broadcasts. Please report any unusual radio signals in the comments or by tuning your dial to 9🀰.◼︎


Don’t forget to add OXENFREE II to your wishlist and follow Night School Studio on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook for updates.

Oxenfree II: Lost Signals will bring back more spooks and delightful dialogue

Walkin' and talkin' mystery game Oxenfree has just announced an upcoming sequel with a new cast of talkative spook hunters. Oxenfree II: Lost Signals will follow new characters, but include that natural dialogue system of Night School Studio's original Oxenfree and their more recent Afterparty. You can catch the first spooky trailer right here for the newly-announced sequel that's coming later in 2021.

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OXENFREE II: Lost Signals

Five years after the events of OXENFREE, Riley returns to her hometown of Camena to investigate mysterious radio signals. What she finds is more than she bargained for.

Developed by Night School Studio. Published by MWM Interactive.

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