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Wolflord - Werewolf Online News

Patch - Slim and stable

Patch Beta is out:
+ Major cleanup in old assets, old code and stuff, reducing current and future patch sizes.
+ Adjusted some memory use on texture load.
+ More cosmetics reworked.
+ Nicer tooltips for cosmetics.
+ Fixed shortcut collides between dark twin and draketamer.
+ More ability nodes added to editor.
+ Cleared up some achievement connections.
+ Expanded FAQs on a number of cards.

Patch - Colors, crimes and cleanups

Patch Beta is out:
+ Dyes are now sorted by primary color.
+ Cleaned out some crossed-wired questions and answers from certain cards.
+ Tweaked the question system a bit.
+ In the card info panel, some rule concepts now has tooltips.
+ Also in the card info panel, card references now have on-hover tooltips.
+ Removed old "Treated as villager" ability from Maiden and Orphan.
+ Polished tooltip a bit.
+ Misc tweaks and adjustments.

Patch is out : Tears, death and a black bird.

Patch is out:
+ Fixed some Jester and Riding hood victory conditions.
+ Reworked some loading surrounding player avatars.
+ Spectators are now correctly being fed claims from before they joined in.
+ Some emotes now have linked animations, more of those to come.
+ Resolved some shader glitches on certain graphics cards.
+ Broken items will no longer be sold in the market.
+ Polished up some main menu elements.
+ Some Helmet-hair collision issues resolved.
+ Emotes now cache better in online matches.

Patch - Tightening nods

The Gecko is back from sickleave, and the patches will flow once again :slight_smile:

Patch is out:
+ Tightened up the structure around the Arcanist.
+ Reworked the server-client communication regarding investigators.
+ Fixed some bug reporting tools.
+ Fixed more cosmetic items.
+ Put Mad Hatter into temporary torpor.
+ Shader issues fixed, now costing much less GPU power.
+ Handfull of broken achievements resolved.
+ Minor tweaks here and there.

Hello, Adventurer!

"Honeywood seem to have been overrun by werewolves! Do you choose to accept my quest?"

Viva La Dirt League, and their amazing show Epic NPC Man has kept us entertained throughout the 2020 COVID Lockdown, and has earned a place in our hearts. It therefor stands to reason they deserve a place in our game as well.

Unlock 6 playable portraits, one glorious cardback and crates upon crates of delicious Kiwis in our latest little content expansion. This also includes the Lucky Fisher's Hat and a couple of other collectable cosmetics.

Check them out at VivaLaDirtLeague.com

(The content pack is made with full collaboration with VLDL, and any proceeds and resell fees goes directly to them.)

Next event and launch date

Additionally, we are prepping for our next event that will start the 21st of October, which will run well into our launch the 31st of October (Halloween) and into the 13th of November. More about that in the near future :)

As always, feel free to join our Discord to hang out, find people to play with and ask any questions you may have.

Take care, stay safe and stay sane.