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Tails Noir News

Возвращение детектива-енота: Создатели нарративного приключения Backbone выпустили трейлер приквела Tails: The Backbone Preludes

В следующем году студия Eggnut выпустит приквел нарративного приключения Backbone под названием Tails: The Backbone Preludes. Игрокам предстоит вновь окунутся в постнуарную атмосферу, последовав за частным детективом-енотом Говардом Лотором.

Backbone is 50% off in the Raw Fury Steam Summer Sale!

A warm (or chilly) greeting to you all,

With Summer looming over us, avoiding pollen and staying inside has never been so tempting! 🐝

To (bee)less this occasion, you can grab Backbone with 50% off from the 23rd of June to the 7th of July.

Stay cool,

/Raw Fury


Backbone is 50% off in the Spring Surprise Sale!

Dearest detectives,

Spring has truly sprung, and we’re celebrating with the surprise sale!

To honor the occasion, you can grab Backbone with 50% off from the 4th of May to the 10th of May.

Vancouver’s dingiest alleys and darkest secrets await you…


Valentine's Sale: 45% Off Backbone and all the emotions that come with it

To: howard stans
From: eggnut and raw fury

Eggnut decide not to bring Backbone to Linux officially

After a successful Kickstarter campaign back in 2018, developer Eggnut released their post-noir narrative adventure Backbone in June 2021. Sadly, they've decided not to go through with the official Linux support on it.

Read the full article here: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/02/eggnut-decide-not-to-bring-backbone-to-linux-officially