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WrestleQuest News

1.1.2 Update

Hello, wrestling folks!

We are dropping a new update to piledrive crash and memory log issues for WrestleQuest. We’re also working on bug fixes and features so you can expect more awesome wrestling experiences in the future!

Can’t get enough wrestling RPG action? Don’t worry, as we’re keeping the slams coming with balancing updates, bug fixes, and more, so let’s take WrestleQuest to the next level together! We’ll be posting like this in the future before updates, so expect to see all the slamtastic features here first!

We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for taking this journey with us to wrestling stardom. If you have any questions or suggestions, hop on to our Discord and let us know. We’d be more than happy to see you there!

Happy powerbombs, everyone!

WrestleQuest Mega Update Extravaganza!

Hello, wrestling folks!

We’re overjoyed and excited to announce that our 1.1 is up and ready for all the wrestlers to slam! Here’s a summarization of the new features that we’ve announced over the past few weeks:

  1. Flee - need to make a strategic exit? Worry no more! The new Flee mechanic will allow players to escape harm whenever they need to!

  2. Gimmicks Menu Adjustment - We heard your comments about the UI being difficult to navigate. We’ve implemented better scrolling so you get to wherever you need easier and faster!

  3. Improved Bosses - No more waiting on rounds for your HP to drop during those cinematic battles! The bosses in unwinnable fights now deal enough damage to make you lose so you can stick to the script better!

  4. Combat Fast Forward - In a rush to be somewhere? Use the Fast Forward button to speed up the combat!

  5. Crafting Recipes - Time to be a master crafter! The crafting recipes now tell you what category the craftables belong to as you purchase them.

  6. Surge Dome Arena UI - The gladiatorial combat center receives an upgrade! Now, you can see the challengers before the fight as well as the reward that you can win.

  7. Enemy Awareness Radius Reduction - Be sneaky! It’s now easier to sneak around enemies and escape danger.

  8. Heal Outside of Combat - You can now use your healing gimmicks to heal outside of combat! Win your next fight by making sure your party members are all ready to rock and slam.

  9. Detective Pad - It’s time to be a better detective! You can now back out and see if you are prepared to present your findings and solve the mysteries.

  10. Minigame Skip - All minigames can now be skipped! Previously, only some of them were skippable, but we found that some players wanted to skip through any of them, so we added that!

  11. Healing Items buff - We heard the concern that some healing items become useless in the later parts of the game. They now heal through a percentage instead of a flat value.

  12. AP Regeneration - You’ll be able to replenish your sweatiness whenever QTEs or timed events are pressed successfully (Yes, it includes when auto-win QTE is turned on)!

  13. Run Toggle - We heard you guys, and we adjusted the run to be a toggle instead of needing to hold it the entire time when running!

On top of these new features, here is a quick rundown of some issues that we’ve squashed! The list includes but is not limited to the following:

  • A random block during the Boss Rush
  • Unable to get out of the dungeon during post-credit gameplay
  • Characters respawning in colliders after the combat
  • Getting stuck within colliders
  • Accessing combat tutorials causes a block
  • Game gets stuck in a black screen when accessing the world map at times
  • Crashes when you close the game by force
  • Combat against the Wasteland Express causes a crash

Can’t get enough wrestling RPG action? Don’t worry; we’re keeping the slams coming with balancing updates, bug fixes, and more, so let’s take WrestleQuest to the next level together! We’ll be posting like this in the future before updates, so expect to see all the slamtastic features here first!

We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for taking this journey with us to wrestling stardom. If you have any questions or suggestions, hop on to our Discord and let us know. We’d be more than happy to see you there!

Happy powerbombs, everyone!

Content Sneak Peek #5

Hello, wrestling folks!

Dropping another batch of teasers for everyone to slam on! Here’s a new combat mechanic and QOL updates:

  1. Flee - Need to make a strategic exit? Worry no more! The new Flee mechanic will allow players to escape harm whenever they need to!

  2. Gimmicks Menu Adjustment - We heard your comments about the UI being difficult to navigate. We’ve implemented better scrolling so you get to wherever you need easier and faster!

  3. Improved Bosses - No more waiting on rounds for your HP to drop when following the wrestling script! The bosses in unwinnable fights now deal enough damage to make you lose so we can stick to our script better!

Can’t get enough wrestling RPG action? Don’t worry, as we’re keeping the slams coming with balancing updates, bug fixes, and more, so let’s take WrestleQuest to the next level together! We’ll be posting like this in the future before updates, so expect to see all the slamtastic features here first!

We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for taking this journey with us to wrestling stardom. If you have any questions or suggestions, hop on to our Discord and let us know. We’d be more than happy to see you there!

Happy powerbombs, everyone!

Content Sneak Peek #4

Hello, wrestling folks!

We’ve got another sneak peek coming in hot! Here are some quality-of-life improvements that we think everyone will enjoy.

1. Combat Fast Forward - in a rush to be anywhere? Use the Fast Forward button to speed up the combat!

2. Crafting Recipes - time to be a masterful crafter! The crafting recipes now tell you what category the craftables belong to as you purchase them.

3. Surge Dome Arena UI - the gladiatorial combat center receives an upgrade! Now, you can see the challengers before the fight as well as the reward that you can win.


Can’t get enough wrestling RPG action? Don’t worry, as we’re keeping the slams coming with balancing updates, bug fixes, and more, so let’s take WrestleQuest to the next level together! We’ll be posting like this in the future before updates, so expect to see all the slamtastic features here first!

We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for taking this journey with us to wrestling stardom. If you have any questions or suggestions, hop on to our Discord and let us know. We’d be more than happy to see you there!
Happy powerbombs, everyone!

Content Sneak Peek #3

Hello, wrestling folks!
We’re back with another content sneak peek! This time around, we’re focused on quality-of-life improvements for your party’s management, overworld traversal around enemies, and minigames.

1. Enemy Awareness Radius Reduction - be sneaky! It’s now easier to sneak around enemies and escape danger.

2. Heal Outside of Combat - you can now use your healing gimmicks to heal outside of combat! Win your next fight by making sure your party members are all ready to rock and slam.

3. Detective Pad - it’s time to be a better detective! You can now back out and see if you are prepared to present your findings and solve the mysteries.

Can’t get enough wrestling RPG action? Don’t worry, as we’re keeping the slams coming with balancing updates, bug fixes, and more, so let’s take WrestleQuest to the next level together! We’ll be posting like this in the future before updates, so expect to see all the slamtastic features here first!
We thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for taking this journey with us to wrestling stardom. If you have any questions or suggestions, hop on to our Discord and let us know. We’d be more than happy to see you there!
Happy powerbombs, everyone!