1. Twisty Puzzle Simulator
  2. News

Twisty Puzzle Simulator News

Solve bugs fixed

A small update has just been released that overhauls how the game views solve progress. This should fix all issues where the game is a bit too generous when determining if a puzzle is solved.

Please let us know if you still encounter any bugs.

Out Now!

Twisty Puzzle Simulator is out! It's so incredible being able to say that. I'll be here monitoring everything so please report bugs or leave additional feedback.

Thank you so much for going on this journey with me.

Have a great day,

Releasing 4/9/19

Twisty Puzzle Simulator will launch next Tuesday on Steam.

The game has native Steam Input support so every controller under the sun is supported. I've personally tested it with PS4 controllers, Steam controllers, and Switch controllers. In VR the game is designed for Oculus Rift touch controllers. Vive controllers should also work but the controls might be a bit funky in the overworld so I'll work with players to improve them once the game is released.

The port also includes standard graphics customization. On lowest settings it can run on very old hardware. The puzzle scrambles and calculations are multithreaded in such a way that they can slow down without dropping the framerate ( scramble times instead increase).

Thank you everyone who has followed this game and supported me during development.


An Introduction

Now that Twisty Puzzle Simulator's Steam page is live, I wanted to introduce myself as the game's creator. I'm Mike Armbrust and I've been a puzzle designer for 10 years. I've also been working as a video game developer for 5 years.

Twisty Puzzle Simulator is almost ready to be released and I've had a blast developing it. Thank you for your interest in the game.

Happy Holidays,