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Chernobylite Enhanced Edition News

The announcement of Chernobylite: Complete Edition!

We have been working on this for a very long time and we can finally announce it.

[h2]Chernobylite: Complete Edition is coming to PC and consoles in Q2 of this year![/h2]

What is the Complete Edition? It is the final version of Chernobylite, where players will receive free content from all major updates: Monster Hunt, Ghost Town and all Seasons, including the long-awaited Season 4!

What will you find in Season 4? Among other things, new map events in which creepy dolls will play major roles and a new game mode allowing free exploration of the Zone. A base decoration pack will be available for purchase as part of the paid Black Smoke DLC.

We will keep you informed about the release of the Complete Edition and details of the full content in a separate announcement.

[h2]Stay tuned![/h2]

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Weekly Report #200

[h3]12 April 2019[/h3]
A group of enthusiasts from the south of Poland are launching a fundraiser on Kickstarter. The aim is to raise funds for the creation of a game for which they have been collecting materials for many months. However, it wasn't the usual research involving scouring the internet for reference material. In order to lay the foundations for their latest creation, the team traveled more than 1,000 kilometers east. To Ukraine. To Chernobyl.


[h3]28 April 1986[/h3]
An experiment was carried out in the renovated power unit No. 4, the purpose of which was to show how long (after a possible failure) the power plant would be able to produce energy for its own operation. The duration of the experiment was planned only for a minute.

Tests started at 01:23. Almost a minute later, the pressure of steam led to the first explosion - the anti-radiation dome was blown up, and the building of block four was demolished. The second explosion took place at 01:24. Only a crater remains from what once was the fourth reactor.


The fire brigade arrived shortly after the fire broke out. The firefighters were convinced they were dealing with an ordinary situation, a fire on the roof of the power plant. Units from Chernobyl and Pripyat arrived there and the fight with fire lasted several hours, until the very morning. They were extinguished by dozens of units, well over a hundred firefighters in total.

The entire local population was evacuated - first within a radius of 10 km from the crash site, then it was extended to 30 km in the following days. Approximately 350,000 people were evacuated, including those from Pripyat, which is today known as a “ghost town”.

38 years later, the memory of the Chernobyl events is still alive. For many years the Chernobyl disaster has been the subject of many publications - historical and scientific articles, reports, analysis. Over time, the history of Chernobyl and the place itself began to be used in other media - movies, TV series. And also video games.

[h3]24 April 2019[/h3]
Just nine days after the launch of the Kickstarter campaign, we are informing everyone that the required minimum amount has been raised. Work on Chernobylite has officially kicked off. All sketches, plans and concepts are slowly coming to fruition. But this is not the end of the story. The ongoing fundraising is uncovering more milestones, and that means new content that needs to be created and added to the game. The project is growing.


[h3]16 October 2019[/h3]
Chernobylite saw the light of day for the first time in early access. And while the game is still in its infancy at this stage, plenty of things will still be tweaked and changed in the coming months, it is being met with mostly positive feedback alone. Players have particularly praised Chernobylite for its detailed reproduction of Chernobyl in even the smallest detail. We are not resting on our laurels. There is still a long way to go.


[h3]28 July 2021[/h3]
Big day for us - Chernobylite is officially leaving Early Access! The game almost entirely resembles what we showed just two years earlier. Improved graphics, a new story, additional characters, additional content, new and improved locations and a finished ending - this and more was already ready for release. Over the following months, we have been fixing bugs reported by players and delivering new content to the game. We are giving these major innovations to players in the form of DLC completely free of charge.


[h3]26 April 2024[/h3]
You have been with us from the very beginning. You followed all the information about the game, which we passed on to you in the form of reports. In 199 posts on Steam, we showed you the entire creative process, the ins and outs of game development, behind the scenes and interesting facts. We also told you about everything related to the very place without which the game would not have been created - Chernobyl. About its history, the events of almost 40 years ago, and our memories of traveling to the site. You read and commented on all the entries with equal enthusiasm.

Today's 200th report is somewhat symbolic. First of all because we are publishing it on the 38th anniversary of the Chernobyl disaster. This event not only had an impact on the modern world, but also on pop culture as well. Without it, games like Chernobylite would never have existed.

The 200th report is also the last. It's been a fantastic journey and we hope it's also been very informative for all of you. We have to admit that, in preparing posts for you each week, it was not uncommon for us to learn something ourselves.

But it's not like we're abandoning Chernobylite! Keep following us on Steam and on our social media. We still have a few outstanding issues to resolve. And there are also brand new, exciting challenges ahead of us. And we sincerely hope you will join us on this new journey. Where to?

[h2]You'll find out soon enough...[/h2]

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Chernobylite Franchise Sale - 60% off!

[h2]From today until April 29, Chernobylite: Enhanced Edition and all DLC released so far will be available at a discounted price of -60%. The discount also applies to the Chernobyl VR Project.[/h2]

The promotional price will include:
[h2]Join Us and have fun![/h2]

Weekly Report #199

[h3]Hello Stalkers![/h3]
The moment has finally arrived! Weeks of anticipation and your hard work have finally brought the harvest! Today, the winners of our art competition will be announced!

We admit that we were a bit apprehensive at the beginning. The entries did not come in as wide a stream as we had imagined. Also, some of them deviated from the established rules (what were those screenshots doing there?). But the closer we got to the deadline, the better images we received from you. In the end, we received a solid batch of works, from which we managed to select the final 10. It was a challenge for us, because each of these works charmed us in its own way.

Here you can see the huge amount of work that went into creating this image and the inspiration behind our concept material. The character has everything he or she needs: a name, his or her own historical background and is depicted in various costumes, along with the smallest details described. Heck, we even get to know the musical themes that fit this character! Hats off to you. An excellent job.

SIEGE (облога)
The character's name is Natalya. The traditional long coat in moro, glans and dreadlocks on her head perfectly match the look of a real stalker with Ukrainian roots. We appreciate the attention to detail of her silhouette and the look of her face.

Two pluses. The first for the richly detailed portrait drawn in pencil (that hair!). The second for the background and the clear definition of the character's purpose in the game itself. You can see that this is not a job done in three days.

Csenge Bíró
There is something charming about this image. Here we see a character created by Csenge (maybe even a self-portrait?) alongside Olivier. Extra points for the level of detail, including what is in the background.

An interesting approach to the task. We're familiar with the stories of people who treated sneaking into the Zone and taking out fangs from there as a high school adventure. Therefore, we are all the more able to imagine that not every stalker has to wear a moro coat. One tip for the future: a bigger frame :P

Jarosław T. (MRAFpl)
An interesting concept. Partly cosplay, partly the product of a computer program. We ourselves have sometimes used such a method to help ourselves a little during the creation of concept graphics (this means that one of us had to dress up). Here, too, this method worked.

Making a cosplay is one thing. But to make a cosplay, throw in a cut-out silhouette against a screenshot from the game (or rather one of our graphics ;) and create a dialogue frame almost identical to the one from Chernobylite - that's a whole other, higher level.

Sigaev Taras
Sigaev tattooed himself with the figure of a stalker gawping at us from above the Devil's Mill in Pripyat and took a photo with this tattoo against the backdrop of the real Devil's Mill in Pripyat. That's called dedication to the cause.

A stalker in a mask dragging an oxygen bottle behind him was one of the funnier ideas we've seen. At least that's what we thought at first. Then we started to think that maybe it wasn't such a silly idea. While others walk around in just masks with filters, we came across one who thinks otherwise. Brave? Silly?

Koppany Szabo
The simplest and most old-school look. Reminds a bit of those who came to the power station after the explosion to investigate what happened and secure the place.

And that's it! As you can see, everyone had a different method, different skills and tools. But they managed it all the same and delivered some really cool images.

Congratulations to all the winners! Expect a message from us 🙂

Let us know in the comments which of those works you like!

[h3]That's it for today![/h3]
Take care, Stalkers!

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Weekly Report #198

Prior to delving into the core content of the report, we would like to remind you:

1. The Spring Sale is underway! Chernobylite and all the DLCs released so far, as well as Chernobyl VR Project - the educational app where it all started - are available at reduced prices by 60%!

2. A contest is underway with many cool prizes to be won! You don't have to be graphically gifted or use advanced graphics programs. We will even accept graphics made in Paint :)

You will find the details below.

[h3]Hello Stalkers![/h3]
We had a lot of fun choosing the best photos from our outdoor photo shoots. Although we have to admit that it was not an easy job. It was quite a challenge to choose even a few from a really huge and hard-to-count collection. But it allowed us to dig into a lot of material that we ourselves had almost forgotten existed. It was worth sinking into the folders.

As we promised, there will be more moving pictures in this report. In addition to the pictures themselves, we also recorded short videos. Some of them you've probably seen on our social media, and some appeared in our Chernobylite promotional videos. Here, for example, footage from a photo shoot inside the building ruins. The light that day was perfect for taking outdoor photos.

Even when Tatyana (Joanna) is sitting in one place the pictures come out great!

This series was a special one. Here we tested the concept of showing Tatyana as a phantom straight out of the movie "Ring". We spent a lot of time styling our model. The hair caused some problems (it turns out that it is not enough to just flip the hair over the face). But the end result rewarded us for this effort. The photos came out fantastic.

There is an anecdote behind this session, which Joanna and Kasia talked about in one of our behind-the-scenes videos. A group of foreign tourists entered the building where the photo shoot took place. The girls decided to play a prank on them. Joanna appeared from behind a wineglass and... almost scared these poor tourists to death. They were quite frustrated 😀

And that's it for today. If you haven't had enough photos, go to our social media - there we upload and will continue to upload photos and other material that we have never published before. And in the next report we will see what you have drawn for us :)

[h3]That's it for today![/h3]
Take care, Stalkers!

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