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Warhammer Horus Heresy: Legions News

Choose the fate of a new Warlord!

"Finally. I hope you'll be worth the wait."
– Lucius

Join the fight in event mode and cast your vote for a new Warlord! As the traitors turn the Pale Stars red, ragtag loyalist forces find themselves in a temporary alliance with rogue Astartes. Will this pact prove fruitful or will the loyalists find themselves betrayed once more?

The fate of Vynnsakar, a new True Flames Warlord for the Blackshields, is in your hands. Fight to decide how he will join the game!

Balance update! The Emperor's Children prepare to shake up the meta

"A beautiful day to craft delicious agony."
– Fulgrim

Fulgrim's Legion is marching towards its natural habitat (the spotlight) in this month's balance update, while the Ultramarines are hampered after being overextended in the front lines. Check out all the changes in the latest web post.

Tweak your deck for the new meta and fight to climb to the top of the ladder!

Can you survive Signus Prime?

"We will lose this war unless we kill the thing that started it."
– Meros

The Blood Angels campaign on Signus Prime is now featured in the Campaign Library, freely available for all players during four weeks. Check out the trailer:

Fight your way through the tarnished plains of Signus Prime, surpass the Warmaster's challenges to discover what lies at the center of this betrayal and reap glorious rewards. Blades out, brothers! Learn more about the Campaign Library here:

Carve Kor Phaeron's legacy

"Remember the dark teachings of Colchis with Kor Phaeron's alternate artwork, now available in the Webshop!" Become a spiritual guide to your Legion with this exclusive artwork, usable in both Standard and Legacy mode.

For the dark pantheon! Don't miss this opportunity to stock up on gold or purchase the current premium Battle Pass with exclusive high-value weekly offers. Visit the Legions web shop now: https://shop.horusheresylegions.com/

Don the gold as Valdor with this weekend's bundle

"To the glory of Him on Terra!"
– Constantin Valdor

Wield the spear and pierce through the assailing with Constantin Valdor's new alternate art! Only today, add Valdor, 15 Legio Custodes crates and a premium avatar to your collection in a new bundle.

This is everything you need to start playing as Valdor in the ranked ladder and lead the Custodians to victory. Don't miss this chance to become the Emperor's Spear!