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  3. MarineVerse Cup Steam Deck compatibility

MarineVerse Cup Steam Deck compatibility

Ahoy sailors!

Are there any Steam Deck owners among us?

We've embarked on the journey of bringing MarineVerse Cup to the Steam Deck.

Currently, you can fully steer and control the boats using a gamepad, providing a relaxing, educational, and competitive racing experience.

The Main Menu does still require touch input, but rest assured, we're steering towards enhancing this for a smoother sail.

For the best experience on your Steam Deck, we suggest selecting the "FPS" binding scheme. This can be done by navigating to Main Menu -> Settings -> Input -> Gamepad Bindings. Additionally, enable the gyroscope for more intuitive camera control.

We're dedicated to refining gamepad integration and eagerly await your input. Your feedback on control preferences and any compatibility or usability issues is invaluable to us.

Embark on a voyage of virtual sailing with MarineVerse Cup, now more accessible than ever on the Steam Deck. We're all ears for your feedback – happy sailing!

The MarineVerse Team