2. News
  3. Additional downloadable content will be released after late April 2024!

Additional downloadable content will be released after late April 2024!

Thank you very much for playing METAL DOGS.

We are happy to announce that March 24th marks the first anniversary of the release of METAL DOGS.
We are planning to implement some additional contents for your continued enjoyment!

[h2]◆Distribution of 1st Anniversary Items[/h2]
Special commemorative items will be given to players in the 3/25 update.

[h2]◆Additional DLC to be released[/h2]
New DLC will be released sequentially in late April and late May.

The first DLC will include additional quests!
New enemies and unique dropped equipment will be added along with the additional quests!

We will report the update schedule and other details as soon as they are finalized.

Thank you for your continued support of METAL DOGS.