1. Nigate Tale
  2. News
  3. Progress in the development of the game

Progress in the development of the game

Hello everyone,

Publisher 2P Games here.
First, thank you for your support and love for Nigate Tale. With this announcement, we want to share what has been happening these past months and the current state of game development.

Unfortunately, during the two-year pandemic, the original development team Hermit Games of Nigate Tale encountered many difficulties. The development of the follow-up version content of the game has been stagnant for a long time. Finally, the developer has determined that they cannot maintain the follow-up development of the game.

To avoid disappointing the expectations of players and enabling Nigate Tale to have a complete gaming experience, a few months ago we -the 2P Games team- took over the developing build of Nigate Tale and hoped to complete the remaining work and make it through to the full release.

Unexpectedly, after a comprehensive review of the Nigate Tale build, we found that the problems were far more complex than we imagined. There are severe problems in the fundamentals of the game and it needs an entire restructuring before the follow-up work can begin. It will only optimize the overall gaming experience and won’t add more gameplay content, which can feel very unrewarding especially to you all. However, to avoid disappointing the players who bought Nigate Tale, we finally decided to restructure the game for a better experience for everyone who bought and plays the game.

After a few months of work, the restructuring of Nigate Tale is nearing completion. At the same time, we have also fully adjusted and optimized some values and unreasonable designs. The current version has entered the testing stage and will be updated soon if successful. But for players looking forward to the new version of Nigate Tale, we must apologize first. The current optimization content alone cannot meet everyone's expectations. We can only promise to continue improving the experience and updating the game content in the future.

[One of the new monster girls planned to be added to the game]

Although offering a game discount currently is inappropriate, it is also to recover some of the costs for subsequent research and development. Therefore, during this year's Steam Summer Sale, we are having a 50% OFF. The highest discount ever. If you still look forward to Nigate Tale, you might as well pay attention to us. We will do our best to bring you a complete Nigate Tale.
Finally, thank you again for your long-term support and love for Nigate Tale. We hope to bring you a better gaming experience through our efforts.

2P Games team