1. Minute of Islands
  2. News
  3. Save 10% Loyalty Discount on Studio Fizbin's new game "Lost At Sea"

Save 10% Loyalty Discount on Studio Fizbin's new game "Lost At Sea"

Dear fans of Studio Fizbin,

if you haven't heard of Lost At Sea yet, you should definitely change that! It is the latest game by the developers of The Inner World and Minute of Islands.

Ask yourself a question: What are the most important moments in your life?

Lost At Sea tells the story of Anna, who, in the later stages of her life, has come to be alone. To live her new future, she will first have to take stock of her past. Construct her memories by finding objects and solving puzzles on a strange island and face the question we all face eventually: "Did I do it right?"

Get ready to experience a roller coaster of emotions in Anna's shoes. If you own one of the former Studio Fizbin games (The Inner World, The Inner World: The Last Wind Monk, Minute of Islands) you get a 10% loyalty discount on Lost At Sea!

The deal runs until July 22th 9:00am PST. Grab your ticket to the island without a name on the Lost At Sea Steam page, the loyalty discount will be added in the Steam shopping cart.

See you all on the island!
The Lost At Sea Team
