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Terraria News

One of the oldest Terraria updates is suddenly new again, 13 years on

As it celebrates its 13th birthday, Terraria update 1.1 is here on Steam. "But wait," I hear you cry, "aren't we currently waiting on the launch of Terraria 1.4.5?" Well, yes, but as a special present to mark the occasion of one of the best PC games (and one of the best-selling games ever), developer Re-Logic is bringing back the sandbox game's first 'final update' as a new playable mode. With over a million Steam reviews giving it a combined 97% review score at this point, it's time to revisit one of the most pivotal moments in Terraria history.

Read the rest of the story...


The best Terraria mods 2024

Terraria map size, biomes, and how they work

Terraria 1.4.5 update adds a powerful new automation feature

Terraria Enters its Teens!

You heard right, everyone - Terraria has officially entered its teenage years. Don't worry, we promise that we won't be any more moody and rebellious than we always have been! This time of the year is always special to the Terraria development team. It is a time of celebration, but moreso a time of reflection: on the journey we have taken thus far, what is coming soon, and what may lie ahead beyond that horizon. It is humbling to know that our small team has been able to release and support a game as successful as Terraria for all these years.

Even more humbling is the unwavering support that each of you have shown us throughout those thirteen years. Through the ups and downs that game dev and even life has thrown at us - and all of you - your support has been the one constant that we know we can rely on each and every day. In fact. we appreciate you so much that we got YOU a birthday present...
In celebration of Terraria's 13th Anniversary - and building upon the recent Undeluxe Edition - we are releasing Terraria 1.1 as a beta branch on Steam today!

Enter a world where Hardmode was brand new and the mech bosses represented the ultimate challenge - take a glimpse at how far Terraria has come!


We are looking forward to seeing what you make of Terraria 1.4.5 an Crossplay (hopefully!) . Who knows what exactly the future holds beyond that, but what we do know is that the path forward for the Terraria franchise and its fans is a very bright one! We expect to see you all back here next year and for many more years to come!


We thought it might be fun for everyone to get a chance to hear a few stories from our Terraria testing crew. These could be broad personal reflections - or even just fun little happenings that occurred along the way over the years. Without further ado, let the storytelling commence!

Hey everyone, I’m ‘darthmorf’ or Sam – some of you may know me as a moderator on the Terraria forums or may have used my Terraria Logo Maker tool. I’ve also been lucky enough to help test early version of the game since around mid 2017 and have had a great time over the years getting to peek behind the curtain and get to know the developers and my fellow testers (and a few other people from the community too!). The group multiplayer playthroughs are so much fun, and I still manage to learn something new about the game every time I play ... between the many many deaths that is. Certain moments during testing for both Master Mode and the even harder seed variants like 'For the Worthy' were particularly tough, not to mention the trolling from other members of the testing team and even the developers! I very much empathise with the original 1.3 Expert Mode testers ...

We got to see lots of funny, weird and interesting bugs too. I sadly can't mention all of them, but a favourite of mine was the brief period of time when ALL projectiles were affected by wind. It made certain boss fights quite interesting, even if it was totally unplayable! Just don't mention infinite boulders, or the 'Wall of Guide'...

Hmm, yes this is how you sit in a chair, right?

There seems to be something wrong with this campfire.

Motion smoothing for teleporting enemies might have been a mistake...

What do you mean I can't deploy my stool while grappled to a wall!?

Another huge highlight of my time was getting to meet up with a few other members of the community, along with some people from Re-Logic, DR Studios and 505 Games back in July 2019. It was truly a blast to hang out in person and I cannot wait until we get to do it next.

I've been a part of this amazing community for a while now, and I'm still blown away by just how friendly and kind everyone is. It's been a huge privilege to witness everything I have, and to take part in so much. I'm proud to have been able to give back a little by organising community events such as the amazing Creation Compendium (go check these out if you haven't - there are some stunning creations in there!) I'd also like to thank Re-Logic from the bottom of my heart for all the amazing opportunities they've given and generosity that they've shown me. I'm lucky enough to have my own career in game development which I would not have without what I've learnt testing this game.

Here's to another 13 years!!!
Wall of guide?

I remember back when beta testing 1.4.4 balance changes, Nimbus and I noticed that whip sizes were strangely inconsistent, sometimes some whips were inexplainably bigger than normal. We quickly realized some armors were increasing Whip Range when they were not supposed to. We started taking off pieces to see which one was bugged, then we realized it wasn't just armor, it was accessories too.

It was so weird that we had to ask Leinfors to check the code and see what the problem was. He looked up which items increased whip range... and then he found the problem. When he gave a 10% range bonus to Tiki Mask, he had accidentally given the same buff to 90% of the items in the game.

This was caused by a single character typo in the code: Instead of checking for which Item ID was equal to Tiki Mask's, it was checking which ID was equal or greater than Tiki Mask's. That was a fun day. We will always remember you, Leinfors.

My story with Terraria began with learning about it when I was in my last year of high school through youtube videos shared by my classmates. It looked like a very interesting game and I got it gifted to me in late 2011. I played it overtime and learned a lot about it starting from 1.1. And then lurked in Terraria Online for a few years. Mostly to follow dev updates and to get Tconfig Mods.

Later when TCF was born, I would join that after learning it was the new official Forums of Terraria. At 1st I still lurked, and mostly used it to see news for the updates. Seeing the announcement for both Terraria Otherworld and 1.3 was a very exciting time and I got involved more in the community during that time.

I had no idea where it would lead a year later, as the call for new Moderators was put out, I put in a moderator application. Because TCF had become more than a place to discuss Terraria. It was a family. I was inspired from learning what Terraria developers such as Leinfors and Ghostar have done for the game and seeing that they started out as Forum members just like many of us. When I was accepted into the Forum staff, the Forum staff and developers also became family to me. TCF means a lot to me due to how a real effort is put forth to ensure that it is a welcoming place for many people. It is taken for granted across the internet which is why it feels like a treasure.

Sometime after that, I was accepted as a beta tester, to test for the game I love a ton and have invested more hours than any other game into. Together with Unit One who joined the Forum staff and became a tester at the same time as me, we tested the end of 1.3.5, and began to test 1.3.6. At the time none of us had any idea it would become the grand 1.4 update known as Journey's End.

As it developed, I continued my work on the Forums with the Forum staff, and also worked with Leinfors and other testers to test the game, report bugs, and share our own feedback. Memories with Leinfors, other testers from our chats and playthroughs are memories I continue to cherish. One of my favorite moments of 1.4 testing was when the Bestiary was confirmed to be added to the game. I love Monster Guide type features in the various JRPGs and Metroidvanias I love and I doubted my eyes that it was also coming to Terraria. I asked Lein if I was dreaming. And he assured me that I wasn't dreaming, that it was being planned for awhile. It's a moment that still gets me giddy.

One of the favorite bugs I discovered during 1.4 testing was with the Zombie Merman Moonwalking backwards. It never made it to release due to how I looked at Blood Moon fishing once it was added.

1.4.4 is another standout update to me. It is my next favorite update due to how it added the Remix seed, and increased the stack size for all items to 9999, among other additions.

Terraria itself has held longtime appeal to me due to how it takes elements of platformers, metroidvania games, and JRPGs and blends them with sandbox building gameplay. They have always been my favorite types of games and are mixed perfectly in Terraria.

Beyond Terraria itself, the community, dev team, and my fellow Forum staff members and testers remain an important family to me. To this day I continue to give what I can to it in hopes of making all of it an even better place.

Times were hard in 2023 when we lost Leinfors. It has taken time to process, but I've used that time to better myself physically and mentally in multiple areas of life, and continue to be an active part of the Forums while testing the game. I think it's what Lein would want. So I plan to keep giving myself to TCF, and Terraria, to ensure the Forums can be a home for anyone, and to make 1.4.5 another amazing update, and anything beyond that as well.

Hi, I'm Criddle! Maybe you know me from somewhere? I've been a beta tester since May 2017. Getting to contribute to the game and helping out the developers at Re-Logic alongside my fellow testers has been pretty incredible.

One of my favorite things to remember are the times we got to create our own paintings. The group playthroughs are also always exciting and chaotic. It can be really interesting listening to the devs discuss ideas.

Over the years I've run into many strange and amusing issues while testing the game.

...did someone mention infinite boulders?

So, I don't exactly have a lot of funny stories to share. I tend to do a lot of the background building work that benefits everyone whenever our collective group does a playthrough together to test out new features. Arenas, NPC housing, farms. You get the idea. When I'm not doing that, I like to do things that try to break the game. If I can get Red to go “We gotta nerf that,” that's a good day. I also like to do funny stuff when no one is looking so they can react to it later on.

I remember when I imported a bunch of Terra Toilets into the playthrough world we were on, and I put them at a bunch of fishing holes. When someone asked why that was there I said “If you sit on a toilet, it makes you fish better. All the expert fishermen sit on toilets.” You know what happened? That joke became an actual feature.

When a bunch of us beta testers first joined the crew, we joined a world that had just gotten started a few hours ago. Red said “You need to use torches that match the biome you're in” because we were starting to test torch luck. I wanted to live in the ice biome, but I hate the ice torches. But Leinfors said as long as I don't use wrong torches, it wasn't against the rules to use whatever I want. So I used White Torches. And Lamps. And Lanterns. I made my home. Expanded it. Again, and again. I ended up making this amazing frozen base, and then because I had a lot of time to spare, I built a whole mountain on top of that. I remember that mountain fondly. Whenever I'm feeling nostalgic, I open that world and have a look at it. I wasn't an outlier - Everyone had a house on that world. One of the other testers (I won't say who) was crazy enough to have their house in the Crimson biome.

During one of the beta playthroughs for 1.4, Leinfors and a number of other testers were trying to figure out a strange bug with the Windy Day music. It seemed to play without rhyme or reason.

Turns out, it was no bug. It just so happened that my base on this playthrough was in range of spawn and I had set up a music box to play Windy Day at my base. Once discovered, it was promptly deactivated by Leinfors.

Happy Birthday Terraria!

It has been a wild ride that I am so thankful for. Getting to beta test the game is a dream come true, and working with my fellow beta testers has been such a wonderful experience. All of them love the game, and nerd out to it like I do, sometimes so much so that I can't keep up with their knowledge. They are truly passionate and experts at what they do.

One of my favorite bugs involved platinum axes showing up on empty weapon racks after opening legacy worlds. The weapon racks would be empty, I'd save and quit. Then open up that world in the newest beta, and boom, there were platinum axes on them. But not on all the empty weapon racks, it seemed so random and weird. Like I'm sure many of the other beta testers will mention in their stories, it was Leinfors that was right there, ready to dive into it.

After his first reaction (which was "Wtf Unit, phantom Platinum Axes" to which I replied, "Yeahhhh, I dunno..."), he posted this:

Everyone tried to figure it out, people were loading in old worlds and got the platinum axes showing up, but only on certain racks. After a bit, we left it for the dev team to sort out (like they always magically do).

So many platinum axes! Can you spot why it was happening? Turns out that only the weapon racks facing left were getting these phantom axes. Right-facing weapon racks remained empty on world load. Once Yorai and Lein had figured it out, all the phantom axes were put to rest, never to show up again.

Don't challenge the creator of the game to a copper shortsword duel. He will win in ways you don't initially expect, whether that be boulders or banishment.

One time I found an obscure bug in the king statue. Specifically, a lightning bug. We were testing 1.4 which added the NPC happiness system, and I took it upon myself to manually check every neighbor combination and biome preference. That all went fine, but I was using the king and queen statues to help with moving NPCs around and happened to find something completely different: The king statue could summon lightning bugs if there were any on the screen. That bug report got a surprised "Whaaaat" from Leinfors. But it turned out that the king statue was supposed to (and now does) work on the traveling merchant, but guess no one ever noticed it wasn't working because they didn't know it should. See, the traveling merchant is NPC 368 and the lightning bug is NPC 358 so a little typo was all it took to get a funny result.

Greetings, Terrarians!

You are probably reading this hoping for spoilers? Loki has been posting teasers for Terraria 1.4.5. At Re-Logic? They're actively working on Terraria 1.96.3!

Don't hold your breath waiting for Terraria 2… it’s at least 3000 years away.

Nah, just kidding. This is one of many amusing bugs that have come up during playtesting. After all, Terraria is a game where eating lunch in midair is a comparatively normal thing to do.

When a game has existed for 13 years and has over 5000 items (and counting), there are going to be strange and unexpected interactions. One of the very early (if not first) bugs I reported as a tester:

When meteors were shown in the background before landing, they were initially visible in the Underworld.

Herein provides an interesting crossover between bugs and contributions. An early version of my painting ‘Blessing from the Heavens’ was a reference to this. It had an Underworld frame and was intended to be found in Obsidian Towers. But the Towers were already quite full of paintings, so it was moved to the Floating Islands and given a skyware frame. Having the opportunity to make some paintings has been the biggest highlight of being involved with Terraria. I hope you like the paintings as much as we did making them!

(Leinfors, I am grateful that you were able to make `Strange Growths’ cycle between the four painting types when placed. You are missed by us all.)

Tester contributions are strictly cosmetic – paintings, names, tooltips, etc. Any new content and the direction of the game is with Re-Logic and its developers. Ever noticed how all of the town slimes’ names start with S? That was somewhat coincidental. We contributed names for slimes on a spreadsheet. Eventually we noticed a pattern emerged: The majority of them started with S. The team decided to keep it that way. (Most of those references the wiki mentions are not actually references. It's coincidental the name is the same.)

Speaking of references… Contrary to what the wiki says, the in-game dog name Lucky has nothing to do with 101 Dalmatians. It’s the name of my real-life dog. He is not a dalmatian. If you do want to find a new reference, there’s another in-game dog name named after my real-life dog. His name comes from a TV show.

I made the Abigail screenshot that was used in the 1.4.3 release announcement. It was not used, but I also made an in-game screenshot with Deerclops, Chester and Wilson.

With news about greedy corporations, abandoned Early Access launches, on-disc DLC, and mob votes to garner attention – how has Terraria managed to live so long, and with so many free updates? The answer: Everyone in Re-Logic plays Terraria and enjoys it. They all want the best they can. Whether paid or volunteer, it really is a labour of love. It's been 5 years since I was asked to join the testing team and I've enjoyed every minute of it. Throughout the journey, I've met some amazing people and made very good friends.

To Re-Logic: Thank you for the opportunity. I am grateful for it every day.

To my fellow team members: You are some of the most amazing people I know.

To the player base: Your enthusiasm, dedication and strong community are what has kept (and will keep) Terraria growing and expanding. Everything Re-Logic does, it does for you.
-- Sigma

One of the most memorable experiences I’ve had so far in my time as a tester for Terraria was during the summer of 2022, where Redigit invited us to play through a yet-to-be-polished version of what, at the time, was called the “everything seed” (later known as the “zenith” and “get fixed boi” seeds). The most notable difference between what we played and what was released was the number of Queen Bee larvae scattered throughout the world (it has since been drastically reduced after this playthrough, due to the sheer number of accidental summons and therefore effective armageddons during the early game). There were times where Red got so fed up with the Queen Bee summons he would temporarily give himself a Meowmere and slay them all.

However as amazing as all of this was to experience first hand, what I remember the most, and will likely never forget, was when we, the testers and developers of Terraria, were set to face off against the underworld’s fiercest pre-hardmode foe, the Wall of Flesh — only there was one unforeseen issue that was only discovered halfway through the fight: the world difficulty was set to effectively Master mode, whereas it should have been set to Expert. As such, we were set to face a Wall of Flesh with just over 200,000 health, and the encounter resulted in several dozen deaths, and the Wall of Flesh going from one side of the world, to the other, undefeated, with just under half of their health remaining. This was the single most scuffed boss battle I have ever encountered in almost 13 years of playing Terraria, and also the single most enjoyable. There was even a time during the fight where everyone in the world other than Redigit and I had been slain; to fight alongside the creator of Terraria as other testers and developers cheered us on as we fought against the Wall of Flesh was nothing short of an unforgettable experience to say the least.

Hello! I’m Jenosis and I’d like to share my experience in Terraria both before and after I became a tester!

Before I played Terraria I was unironically in the camp of “oh wow 2D Minecraft”. It started in 2012 with a friend asking me to come over and play it with him for a weekend while his parents were out of town. It felt slow and kind of clunky at first, at least on console (PS3), but it started to get really good and before I knew it I was running around in Hell with a space laser gun re-enacting the whole plot of DOOM trying to find magic weapons.

I returned home and asked my parents if I could download and play it on our family computer (which was quite ancient). I began to play it and forgot about it for a good bit (as it was my senior year in highschool), but returned to it shortly after my graduation after enrolling in Fall college classes. I found the Crimson and told my friend all about it and he spent hours trying to find it on his PS3.

As Terraria grew and updated, so did I and eventually began to dabble in modding it with tAPI a few months before 1.3 came out. Come 1.3 in all of its QoL and much needed expansion on existing content I was having even more fun and tModLoader was just starting to become a thing. I got back into modding again and made even more friends while doing so.

Come 2019 I had a hard time trying to keep up with everything in my life. I got something in my TCF inbox one day and it was Cenx reaching out to me asking if I wanted to become a tester. I felt butterflies in my stomach for the sole reason of being involved in one of my favorite all time games. The first day of setup was information and sensation overload, but I learned a lot more than I thought I was going to for my first day.

Over the course of 1.4 Beta there was much to test and find bugs for; I happened to catch a lot of tile related bugs in the process. One of my favorites was being able to plant the vanity trees on gray bricks. Another bug I loved, that was unexplainable and couldn’t repro even now, was the crystal sentry beams coming from the pet butterfly. Makes me wish we had a butterfly summon now.

Seasons have come and gone; so have phases of testing beta updates. Lein had unexpectedly passed away leaving all of us distraught and lost without him. He was a great person and mentor who helped expand, and understand, my views on game development. To this day whenever I or other testers suggest something; I tend to look at it with a reasonably critical eye to see where said thing could fit into the grand scheme of the game.

I’m loving my time helping out and testing the harder bugs so I can help make Terraria a better and more bug free game. Here’s to Terraria and its wonderful community I’ve had the absolute pleasure of interacting with, cheers!

My beta testing horror story is from back in 2015. After one of the updates my character saves started overwriting each other. Nobody else was having the bug. And then the next update mysteriously fixed it.We never could figure out why...

Terraria 1.4.5 update adds a powerful new automation feature

The Terraria 1.4.5 update gets just a little better with each addition we see. The next big overhaul for one of the best sandbox games ever is creeping ever closer, as developer Re-Logic continues to tweak and test what might be the final update before it moves onto a new game. The Terraria State of the Game April 2024 has just arrived, bringing with it a couple of new spoilers, including a big upgrade to automation and a returning face.

Read the rest of the story...


All Terraria bosses list in order

Terraria 1.4.5 update makes two incredible quality of life upgrades

The huge Terraria overhaul we always wanted might finally be here

Terraria State of the Game - April 2024

Greetings Terrarians!

Spring is finally here - and with it, warmer weather, green plants, and colorful flowers. We noticed lots of speculation that spring would bring the release of 1.4.5 - sorry to say that those guesses were incorrect. The team still has quite a few things that we want to get to, and you never know what else might come up. Terraria development has always been sort of organic in that way. Rest assured that we share your desire to get this out just as soon as possible - but we have always stuck to the mantra that we will only put out an update when we feel it is fully complete and ready. So, hang with us just a bit longer, it should be well worth the wait!

That said, let's take a moment to meander through the garden of Terraria news and spoilers shall we?



The team really enjoyed seeing how everyone reacted to last month's spoilers - especially Roller Skates! We have been doing a team and tester playthrough on the Vampire Seed over the past two weeks, and we have an even greater appreciation for these new masters of mobility than ever before. Once you skate your way through the Wall of Flesh fight, you may never go back! As always, these playthroughs generate a ton of notes about balance and new ideas as well as highlighting some nasty bugs that we can then fix along the way. You know, things like "Oh oops, with the new item stacking feature, you can accidentally reforge multiple items at once... we better fix that before the Goblin Tinkerer gets so rich, he retires."

We can think of no better way to spend nearly 9,000 platinum... don't worry, we fixed this already.

Our Vampire playthrough ended as it should... with each of us cooking in the sun, except Redigit, who may or may not be a daywalker...

That being said, how about a little spoiler for everyone - the latest in the many conveniences coming your way in Terraria 1.4.5!

Conveyor Belts have unlocked the Y Axis!


Hopefully you also picked up your copy of Terraria: Undeluxe Edition as well - available as a Beta Branch on Steam!


Click the banner above to check out the Terraria Workshop!

We have finally broken the 100,000 packs/worlds milestone in the Terraria Steam Workshop! You are missing out if you haven't taken the time to check out these amazing creations from the community.


Going over our playthrough notes, making needed adjustments and bug fixes coming out of that, and prepping for adding even more stuff to the game.


Hello everyone!

The tModLoader team and our amazing community of contributors continues to improve tModLoader. On May 1st the monthly update release of tModLoader will go live. This month's release contains fixes to long-standing issues as well as an upgrade from Dotnet 6.0 to Dotnet 8.0 for increased capabilities.

This month we've fixed a few crash conditions when using a large amount of mods, made some improvements to mod loading time, and made a major upgrade from using Dotnet 6 to Dotnet 8 for increased performance and capability.

Mod makers can look forward to the new features of C# 12 and Dotnet 8.

Modders and users should also keep an eye out for our monthly Steam announcement on the 1st where a complete listing of bug fixes and API changes for this month's release will be listed. The in-game news button on the main menu will send you directly to the announcement once it is live.

As always, if you are having issues of any sort, definitely don't hesitate to check out our FAQ on github or reach out to us at our Discord.


The TML Steam Workshop has over 6000 mods for you to enjoy! Coupled with the in-game mod browser, the TML Steam Workshop is a great way to explore what modded Terraria has to offer - check it out today by clicking the banner above!


More features, continuing to evolve and grow what TML can do... and getting ready for 1.4.5.

As always, you can keep track the current progress and much more in real time at tModLoader/tModLoader (But note that the completion percentage doesn't mean anything, because issues and PRs don't have weights.)

Developers who are willing to contribute may do so by doing PRs to the tModLoader/tModLoader branch. (See tModLoader/tModLoader)

PlayStation, XBOX, Nintendo Switch, Mobile - DR STUDIOS

More 1.4.5 work and a smattering of crossplay work in parallel has been the name of the game in April. Our testing lead had the chance to participate in the latest Re-Logic playthrough, which has provided some invaluable insights and dialogue between the teams that will surely pay dividends for Terraria 1.4.5!

In the meantime, we are happy to share that a fan favorite from back in the day will be making its triumphant return...

Behold the majestic Orca in all of its resprited glory!

Until next time, Console & Mobile friends - thanks for all of your love and support!


Greetings Terrarians!

Here's the latest and greatest happenings on the Community side of things. Thanks as always for being the most engaged and awesome gaming Community ever!


The Terraria merchandise hub is where you can find all of the latest and greatest Terraria merchandise all year round - with new stuff arriving all of the time! Check out the latest merch drops as well as some classics and pick up that epic Terraria gift for a friend (or yourself!).

Click the banner above to head to Terraria.org/store now!​



We are very happy to share what will be the first in a series of monthly T-Shirt releases available over at terraria.shop! Our initial release features the one and only The Axe - everyone's favorite super-rare drop from the Queen of the Jungle herself, Plantera! We aren't quite sure, but we feel like this might also be a hat tip to one of the greatest bands in existence...

Pick yours up today by clicking the image above - and be sure to check out the entire collection of amazing merch over at terraria.shop!

We will be back again next month with yet another fantastic Terraria T-Shirt design!

The amazingly-talented folks over at Eighty Sixed have just release two brand new t-shirts along with the latest in their line of Terraria keychains: the Meowmere Keychain!

You will definitely want to check these out today! If the Meowmere Keychain is anything like the Zenith Keychain, it will go super fast!

Click the banners above to check out these latest offerings - or check out the link below to explore the entire Terraria Collection over at Eighty Sixed!



Hello everyone!

Big things are afoot at 50 Amp Productions!

You may have noticed upon visiting the 50 Amp site that the store is currently unavailable. This is so that we can take the time needed to fully onboard our new global shipping and distribution partner without risking any disruption or orders getting lost in that transition. In addition, 50 Amp closed sales during this time in order to ensure that every existing order has been honored and taken care of before accepting new ones. The store will reopen upon completion of EVERY shipment outstanding - we do not expect this to take long, but we wanted you to know.

So, what will this new system mean long term? More reliable shipping, cheaper international (non-US) shipping rates, and quicker delivery times. At the time when we re-open the storefront, Issue 6 comic and collectibles will be available to order, as well as having all products from issues 1-5 in stock. This means no delays in shipping times for any Issue 1-5 orders and a smooth release of Issue 6 when all of those items arrive at the warehouse.

50 Amp is also excited to have the issue 6 cover reveal to share with you right here and right now.

This image is available for you to download and print or use as wallpaper on your computers or devices - you can also request any specific sizes you might want if what we have isn't working for you. Click the link below to check it out!


50 Amp Productions can’t wait to share all these updates and exciting new announcements and products with you soon!


Here we are again with the latest "Designer Diary" entry from the lead designer for Terraria: the Board Game - Chris Kingsnorth. Let's see what he and the Paper Fort team have been up to over the last month!

Hello Terrarians!

Chris here, game developer at Paper Fort Games; I’m back with another Terraria: The Board Game designer diary. We’re ramping up to the launch of the Kickstarter next month, so I’ll be providing more gameplay info, showcasing new art, revealing a new boss sculpt and talking about UKGE, the UK’s biggest tabletop gaming convention.

If you don’t want to read the diary, but still want to sign up for launch info, just visit Get Ready for ⛏ Terraria: The Board Game! (we’re almost at 24,000 Terrarians!)


How on Earth Will Terraria work as a Board Game? Understandably, lots of Terraria players have asked this question. The videogame has a huge amount of content and features complex mechanisms that are usually handled by code behind the scenes; how could that possibly be achieved using cardboard? We’re also keenly aware that tabletop games based on videogames don’t always capture the essence of the game they’re based on, so we understand if you’re feeling sceptical.

From the outset, we’ve been committed to creating a Terraria board game, not a board game with a Terraria theme. It’s a huge challenge, but we want the game to be faithful to the world that Re-Logic have created.

So how do we turn a huge sandbox game into a tabletop experience? How do we make it feel like Terraria?

A new world each time you play: Using a simple minimap and biome tile system, you’ll generate a unique world during each game of Terraria: The Board Game. Choose an evil biome (or randomise it), build your hidden minimap and reveal new world tiles as you travel around the world. With each flip of a tile, experience the excitement of discovering new biomes to explore, chests to open and enemies to fight!

The freedom to choose: Player choice is a core principle of Terraria. Want to build a Hellavator? Go for it. Want to run to the ocean? You can, whether it’s a good idea or not! You’ll choose which objective chains to attempt in each game (many of which you’ll recognise as achievements from the videogame) and use a small personal deck of cards to generate action points; it’s then up to you how to spend them.

Dig, fight, explore, build: Use your action points to move around the world, or convert them with your starting copper equipment cards to dig tunnels, mine ores and gems, chop down trees for wood or fight enemies for loot. Building a base of houses will unlock crafting stations and spawn helpful NPCs who will heal you, sell useful items and provide backup in sticky situations.

Character customisation: Using armor sets (printed on transparent cards that overlay your character board) and upgraded equipment cards, you can choose a playstyle that suits you. By purchasing new, more powerful cards for your deck and scrapping those you no longer need, you can personalise your experience even further; that’s the beauty of deckbuilding. Maybe you’re into sword-swinging melee fights, or sneaky long-range strikes, or would prefer to unleash a barrage of magic attacks. Perhaps you just want to visit every corner of the world, or collect as many resources as possible; the choice is yours.

Enemies and Boss Battles: As you traverse the world and spelunk underground, you’ll encounter over 30 different enemy types, including slimes, zombies, antlions, skeletons, bats, demon eyes, worms, salamanders and voodoo demons. You’ll use a simple dice battling system to fight enemies and gain loot; upgraded weapons will grant access to more powerful dice and by using action cards, you’ll be able to influence encounters in your favour by weakening your foes, buffing your character, rerolling your attacks and more…

Fight King Slime, Queen Bee, Eye of Cthulhu, Brain of Cthulhu, Eater of Worlds and Wall of Flesh in epic boss battles using unique modular miniatures, which include a shrinking King Slime and Wall of Flesh with removable eye and mouthparts!

(Be sure to read on for the reveal of the Eater of Worlds miniature!)

Co-operative play for 1-4 Terrarians: The game supports solo play, or multiplayer games up to 4 players. Share resources, build bases as a team and fight enemies together. With cards that benefit you *and* other players, you can create memorable moments for everyone at the table!


New Art: King Slime! George has knocked it out of the park with this painting; everyone’s favourite gelatinous boss and the poor enveloped ninja! Let us know what you think in the comments!


New Sculpt: Eater of Worlds! Our final boss sculpt arrived this week; the Eater of Worlds! This miniature will also be modular; when EoW is sufficiently damaged, the miniature will split.


Meet Us at UKGE 2024!

From May 31st to June 2nd, we’ll be showing Terraria: The Board Game at UK Games Expo (UKGE) held in Birmingham, UK. If you’re coming to the show, please stop by and say hello; you’ll find us at the booth 1-774 (in Hall 1). You’ll be able to play the game, chat with us about the design, take pictures at our life-size King Slime photobooth and win free merch at our Terraria-themed beanbag toss, courtesy of Re-Logic and the terraria.shop crew! It’s going to be a lot of fun and we’d love to see you there.


Critter Recap Last month, we asked for your favourite critters; we’re going to be adding as many as we can to the game’s biome tiles. We had some great suggestions, including squirrels, seagulls, seahorse, mystic frogs, grubby, sluggy, dolphins, bunnies, owls and ducks but let us know in the comments if we’ve missed any that you’d like to see!


Reforge, Anyone? Finally, we wanted to share a meme we put together which proved very popular; everyone’s favourite goblin-shaped piggy bank!


Don’t Miss Out! If you haven’t already, sign up at Get Ready for ⛏ Terraria: The Board Game! and be sure to click through to the Kickstarter ‘notify me’ page. We’d be very grateful if you could share the link with fellow Terrarians via social media; you’re always welcome to tag us in using @paperfortgames.

You can also follow us on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook.

Until next time!



Sign up for the latest and greatest news on Terraria: the Board Game via the link below:


The Terraria community is filled with incredible fan media. We love to browse Terraria associated social pages and check out the creative minds sharing wonderful creations. We wanted to spotlight some of the trending media that caught our attention this month. Please let us know if any of the shared media has a different original creator.


by BR0COL1

by SnookyZun

by HardBirch

by Kaiga Marine

by JunohNebula

by @Shilaila​

by GreyL1me

by OrientalOrange

by MemeGodTheRealOne

by MihaDaCaterKiller

by RussianTomato206

by TruffleToad

by hellokittykatana

by CyberDragInfinity

by Icy-Assignment51

by SniperOnSunday

Until next time, Terrarians - we hope you have an amazing month, and we look forward to bringing you the latest and greatest next time!

Terraria: Undeluxe Edition - Out Now!

We have heard the Terraria Community's cries to bring back the versions of Terraria from long long ago for many years now. Frankly, we appreciate the nostalgia as much as anyone, but to say that the daunting task of trying to remove 13 years of content from the game has held us back from doing so would be a massive understatement!

That being said, we are pleased to share with you all that starting today, the Terraria Undeluxe Edition is available for fans everywhere to enjoy!

Highlights of this massive downdate include:

    12 Biomes to explore - who needs locations like the Ice Biome... too darned cold!
    Be careful not to trip as you leap over single-high blocks
    Rope? Minecarts? Blocks and platforms will suffice.
    The Crimson was deemed too nasty and the Hallow too sweet, so they both have been kicked to the curb.
    Demon Altars (those purple spiky things) are now immortal - resistance is futile!
    Cacti can and will damage you - I mean they ARE covered in needles after all
    Built-in Bunny Protection will prevent you from accidental Bunny-cide.
    Delve deep into caves free from the threat of boulders and traps

    Over 360 items/weapons/armor/etc. to find and craft
    45 enemies will seek to defeat you at every turn!
    Defeat the Goblin Army to obtain the greatest mobility accessory in the game, the Rocket Boots!
    To maintain accuracy the Scraggler was re-added then promptly removed
    Four challenging boss encounters await
    Face the terrifying Final Boss, Skeletron!
    Challenge the endgame Dungeon for fortune and glory!
    All 8 NPCs are now clearly labeled by their role so you don't have to remember that Helen is your Nurse
    Enjoy the streamlined experience of items without any nasty modifiers - no Goblin Tinkerer to take your hard-earned coins here!
    Speaking of coins, you are going to need to carry them with you if you want to buy something.
    Valid housing? Figure it out yourself.
    Axes are now required to chop up all wood blocks - we don't want any accidents!
    Chests contain a whopping 20 storage slots for you to stash your piles of loot!
    Avoid accidentally using items by being sure they are in your hotbar prior to use - waste not, want not!
    Wire? Where you are going, you won't need wires.
    Paints? Dyes? Angles and slopes? Who needs that kind of variety in their life?

You can only imagine the sheer amount of time and effort it took to remove almost 500 enemies/critters, 21 bosses, 5100 items, 32 NPCs, 14 biomes (and all of the mini-biomes), 82 music tracks, 586 tilesets, and so on. A small price to pay for the awesomeness that is Terraria v1.06! Starting today, you can pick up Terraria Undeluxe Edition at your favorite Steam Store! We know you will join us in enthusiastically welcoming Terraria Undeluxe Edition to the Terraria family of games!