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  2. News
  3. Full Release Update with Dev Stream!

Full Release Update with Dev Stream!

The culmination of more than two years of Early Access improvements, we've finally exited Early Access. Even the last two weeks were massive we managed to get 67 achievements and heaps of last minute improvements (like new accessibility settings!) added to the game.

If you've been with us for part of that journey, thank you! The game's so much better thanks to you 😃 If you're just joining in the fun now, then welcome - looking forward to kubbing with you online.

As for now, watch Ethan - the game's artist, animator, level designer, musician and more - introduce and play the game on the live stream. Bilal - the person behind the rest of the boring game dev stuff - will also be playing with random people online (you'll know it's him if you come up against Santa 😎) in the meantime.

Enough said - game on!