1. Not Dead Yet
  2. News
  3. Summer Update #1 is here!

Summer Update #1 is here!

Summer sweet summer!

Oh, hey! How are you? :)

Here we are, for another patch! And this time, a tasty one my friends!

Shall we?

The Sun has risen

Summertime has hit Not Dead Yet as well, and for a limited period of time, we are replacing that dark, obscure and thrilling map with a shiny new one -- sunshine is here!

Look at it, so lovely...

But for real - nothing has changed mechanically speaking. It's just a new, temporary skin. All the scraps are in the same place, there are no new obstacles, etc - we just thought you'd enjoy a new horizon to look at.

Say hello to Ana and Ney

These two nifty, Brazilian skins just joined the family permanently, so... say "olá"! :-D

Weapons 2.0

This was a tough one, people. Our old weapons system was the very first system we built and it was more like a game jam solution rather than a proper, scalable thing. It was time to say goodbye.

After more than 3 weeks full-time working on a new system from scratch (and making sure we weren't breaking anything), we got some really nice results. Allow me to give you a glimpse of what changed, shall I?

  1. We are now free to create perks/interactions with individual weapons or any weapon category (i.e. shotguns, pistols, SMGs, etc.). Although nothing new has arrived with v0.13.0, expect to see more weapon-specific mechanics soon;
  2. We can now introduce more unique weapons, with their own mechanics (such as flamethrowers, grenade launchers, laser weapons (why not?), etc.). Once again - these things have not arrived with this patch neither are they promises, but hey... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  3. We improved multiplayer shooting by A LOT. Yes -- that old stutter while shooting is not among us anymore. I dare to say shooting in multiplayer is as smooth as in any Triple-A game, hehe. :P (And please, I'm really talking about shooting. The other multiplayer areas still require some polish.)
  4. We removed useless weapons;
  5. And my favorite one: we animated all the weapons we have! I mean, we've reworked the old shooting animations, added proper reloading animations, improved particles, VFX and SFX, and geez, it's now so much better! Just to give you some sugar:

And this is just the beginning. ;)

[h2]Other changes[/h2]
  • Added Camera Shake effect while moving (you can disable it through the Settings menu)
  • Runners will no longer spawn on the first wave
  • Re-scaled the values of every weapon in the game according to their new tiers
  • Enemies will now scale utilizing a brand new formula to accommodate the new weapon damage values
  • You can now skip your Perks if you don't like the options for some Cash reward

[h2]New Perks[/h2]
  • Mortar (Scav Only): After firing 3 Frag Grenades, Gain 1 Frag Grenade.
  • Frag Powder (Scav Only): Frag Grenades deal 20% more damage.Re-scaled the values of every weapon in the game according to their new tiers

And we reworked Behemoth: Doubles your damage (instead of +70%). Decrease movement speed by 30% (instead of triplicating your reload time).

  • Treasury is now closeable
  • You'll no longer die by poison after killing Mefisto

And my dear people, this is Not Dead Yet's Summer Vibes. We hope you like it and if you have any issues, just let us know, will ya?


What's next?

We are planning to release some summer updates in the upcoming weeks. And we expect them to be fun. Weapons, maybe? We shall see.

That's it! Talk to you next patch! d(^_^)z

(...or sooner, if you join our Discord)