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Void Crew News

Hutlihut Talks - Vlog #4 - Designing of Void Crew

Hey ectypes,

As you all know, the whole team is busy, working hard on Update 4 (read more about this in our Space Log #6: Incoming - Roguelite Endless Mode and more!). But of course, that won't prevent us from bringing the word of METEM out there!

V for Void Crew, and METEM Preserve You!

[h2]Talk @Nordic Game Jam - Designing of Void Crew
[/h2]This weekend the Nordic Game Jam 2024 is taking place in Copenhagen. Hutlihut Games is proud part of the sponsors of the event! We feel it's important to be part of the community and help lifting indie games, devs and creators.

As part of the Nordic Game Jam 2024, our Creative Director Daniel Windfeld hosted a talk about Void Crew and the process of designing the game and bringing it to life.

We recommend watching the talk! The main points:
  • Hear about the original inspirations for Void Crew.
  • Watch gameplay footage from early stages of the game (alpha)!
  • Go through the initial design decisions: the pillars of Void Crew (Coop - Tactile Mechanics - Epic Space Battles)
  • Learn more about how the game evolved, and the thought process behind the changes that were made.
  • Hear lessons learned through the process of building the game, from Daniel.

You can watch the full talk here:

Stay tuned to our social medias for smaller snippets and highlights in the coming days!
And of course, join our Discord to interact with the community and with the team, see some sneak peeks, and more!

[h2]METEM preserve you![/h2]

Always be scooping,
The Hutlihut team

Hutlihut - Space Log #6: Incoming - Roguelite Endless Mode and more!

[h2]Hello Ectypes![/h2]

Today the triple-i initiative starts, where we, as a small independent studio, have been honored to part of their showcase! So check it out here!

With that, I thought I’d share a few words on the state of things, taking a breather from trenches we are currently in, churning away at a very exciting update 4!

We acknowledge Update 3 was a stepping stone update with some compromises we weren’t proud of, but it did move us closer to our three goals.

So what are those three goals? I’ve been itching to share, so let’s go over them - here’s a few words on the three biggest topics we are bringing to the next big update (in addition to all the in between stuff, of course)

1. Roguelite Endless Mode

It’s been teased previously, but after an internal play session yesterday I can just say … wow - it just clicked (well, someone else said it, but I agree!). True, there’s much work left, and the following updates will definitely include more work. It’s taken us some time to get here, and being a small studio and all, we've been a bit hesitant to just jump in with both feet ... until now.

But as the community already has vocalized: This is what the game has been missing. So thank you for helping us make what feels like the right choice.

Note: We may discontinue the “old” pilgrimages and the concept of unlocking blueprints in the fabricator (via Player Ranks that is), but for update 4 we will support both the new and old experience, even if the old is relatively “limited” in comparison. The final decision will of course depend on the reception (For example: Is everyone just playing the Endless now?)

The endless run will likely have a disclaimer in line with:


This is an Early Access Experimental Game mode!

For each jump, the difficulty increases, as do the rewards.

Your Rank Unlocks are NOT used in this mode. Instead, you start with a preset in addition to your chosen starting ship.

How far can your crew get?
Also, after completing an objective in the Endless mode, you get a care packge with goodies of your choosing!

2. Perks & Roles

Another topic on our most wanted list has been making the characters feel more unique, each with their own ability and customized perk selection for some meta game madness.

So the next big update will include 4 new “active” abilities and the first array of perks, one column for each role (Engineer, Gunner, Pilot, Scavenger). Now the sweet thing here is players can multi-spec perks, so no need to stick to one column! So do you specialize down one tree, or go wide to become jack of all trades?

And my favorite Ectype ability so far - the Scavenger's GRAPPLING HOOK!

3. Social drama

As mentioned in my previous blog, there is the very important social aspect. We’ve already sneak peaked on a few things - including the Ectype-C02-Panic-Exhaust, allowing Ectypes to move slightly when panic occurs in vacuum, more tactile feeling with repair hands ingame, and the dear Salute to praise METEM ... or even getting those flappy ectype arms to behave with Inverse Kinematics!

But, today I’d like to reveal another one of our “immersion” social features we’ve been working on: "ingame contextual voice alteration" (in lack of an official name yet!). Of course still some work left, but here's a video snippet LINK. (Disclaimer: Though this might not be for update 4)


[h2]Closing words[/h2]
To close off, we will take our time to ensure we have more time to test and bugfix. It’s Early Access, yes, but we’ve found that people’s tolerance varies a lot - and all we want to do - duh - is give our players the best possible experience. Don't worry - Update 4 is coming very soon, and we can't wait to get it in your hands!

Don't forget to comment, like and head over to our discord and share your ideas in the Feedback channel :)

Until the next rambling ...

// Daniel, Creative Director
Hutlihut Games

Void Crew has been nominated in the Danish Game Awards (Spilprisen 2024)!

Exciting news, ectypes!

Void Crew has received two nominations in the Danish Game Award: Spilprisen 2024, an award created as a tribute to Danish-developed videogames.

We’re nominated for the Best Debut and Best Game Design categories!

Regardless of the outcome, being nominated is definitely a boost of motivation and confidence for the team to keep working hard every day, and make Void Crew the best possible co-op experience for our community!

The Spilprisen 2024 Game Award ceremony will happen on April 30th in Copenhagen.

You can learn more about the event, and get tickets if you’re interested, in the Spilprisen 2024 website .

Before you go on with your day… can we ask you a favor?
Send all your good vibes our way, please! Winning the award would be great for the team, and would give Void Crew more visibility. 🤞


With love and excitement,
The Hutlihut Games team

Void Crew: Our Early Access Journey

Hey ectypes!

Last September we released Void Crew on Early Access - that means we've been on this journey for around 6 months now. Time flies!

These months have been filled with a lot of work to make Void Crew the best possible experience, and we still have a lot to do! We're currently working hard on Update 4 - if you want to know a bit more about it, we recommend taking a look at the Highlights from our latest Dev Stream, where we talk about some of the upcoming changes for the game. We have a lot of awesome stuff on the pipeline!

Psst... we also recommend joining our Discord server. We sometimes drop sneak peeks and teasers around there!

We wanted to thank all of you, our community, for these months. Your continued support, feedback and help pin-pointing issues have motivated us to keep working hard, and have greatly helped shaping up Void Crew. We couldn't have done all this without you!

Take a look at the video below to take a trip with us down memory lane; a review of what has changed in Void Crew during these past few months, and what's still to come.


We hope you stick around for the rest of the journey. We are very excited about the future of Void Crew!


With love and gratitude,
The Hutlihut Games team.

Void Crew - Patch 5 (0.25.2)

While we continue to work hard on the next update, here's a patch with a few bug fixes, as well as bringing an end to the Month of Stars and Love. We appreciate all of your feedback!

  • Ending the Month of Stars and Love - until next year!

  • Fixed an issue where 4 color schemes that are being given out temporarily upon login, as compensation for an earlier bug were still not being received by some players. These colors will be given upon login until the next big update (Update 4)
  • Fixed an issue where if the player was kicked while holding an item, the item would disappear for the rest of the party
  • Fixed an issue where dying at the same time as the ship is exploding would make the player stuck in Sarcoraph Printing Queue and they could not transition to Tally Screen
  • Fixed the door lever in Ambush base being interactable while the power is off

Thanks again to our community for helping us iron these out!
The journey continues ... (including more bugfixing ...)