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Void Crew News

Dev Stream #9 - Highlights (with Update 4 Sneak Peeks!)

Hey ectypes!

Highlights from our Dev Stream #9 are up! And if you're interested on knowing what's going to come with Update 4, you have to watch this one (or scroll down for a written summary!)

Watch the Highlights video here (including the Update 4 sneak peeks):

If you want to watch the full stream, you can do that here:


[h2]Overhaul of the progression system[/h2]
The new system will bring things more in line with how the lootboxes are given out, and also will give more usability to gene points - in the current state of the game, when players get a lot of gene points they end up not having anything to do with them.

Players will have their gene points that they'll be able to distribute amongst the different perk trees, allowing dual spec if they want to do that, or diving deep into a specific perk tree. This will also come with a huge perk tree rework.

[h2]Class-specific abilities[/h2]
These abilities are something that will enhance the class identity, and give you a moment were you feel like super cool and bringing super extra to the team - like some kind of "ultimate" abilities.

You can only choose one of them, but it will really supercharge whatever your character is good at. Right now they're at a prototype stage: they'll have a cooldown and recharge over time, but of course we'll look into how you charge them, how long they last, how effective they are, etc.

We'll also look into what they do - some of them might be too fun to just keep them tied to a single perk tree, and we might want to make them more widely available.

An example of ability that we're playing with (but might not make it into release, so take it with a pinch of salt!) is a Gunner ability that would allow them to temporarily change the damage type of the weapon they're currently using, making it bypass all kinds of checks (shields, etc).

[h2]Endless mode[/h2]
We're working very hard on this. We think we'll make it so the endless mode is a choice you can make while still keeping the current pilgrimages - we're trying to support both rather than substituting pilgrimages with the new system right away. This is mainly because the endless mode is something we'll have to work a lot on, in terms of balancing and polishing - so we don't want to diminish the game by pilgrimages being removed, but rather you can choose to try an endless run or play a pilgrimage.

Endless mode calls for a new approach to how rewards are given out, and how power progression works during the session. With Endless Mode, objectives come with a in-run reward, and you'll be able to do multiple objectives where you can choose from one or another - your objective choice will be about what you're going to get on your ship as the next reward. So you can maybe chose an easy objective that will give you like a mine field summoning shard, but you can also chose to go for a very hard objective that will give you maybe an epic turret as a permanent installation on your ship for that run, for example.

We're in the early days of developing this, and we have to figure out how it plays best - but the idea is that you can do very long runs with scaling difficulty and seeing if you can actually get the ship to be able to withstand the difficulty increase. This will bring the game closer to that "roguelite with friends" feeling, which was the original vision that Daniel had when he sat down and started thinking about Void Crew back in the days.

[h2]Tactile mechanics and hand animations[/h2]
We've already talked about introducing emotes in the past. How could would it be to salute your fellow ectypes? You'll be able to!

One of the pillars that we have when designing Void Crew is tactile interactions; the idea that you're logging things around and placing them down. But that tactility, the presence of your hands in the game, has been missing. There's a few interactions and animations with hands that are visible, specially when you watch other players - but we wanted to bring that even more forward, and getting the hands in play. This will be both when interacting with the world (there will be hands animations when you do stuff around!), and also for emotes; when you do emotes you'll be able to see your hands animated, on top of the 3rd person animation that other players will see.

We're working on foundational tech for this. This wasn't only about the saluting emote, but also unlocking Daniel E., our CG Artist, to do more fun animations with the hands and improve how ectypes interact with the world.

Laurids, as our Lead Designer (and one of our resident loot goblins), mentioned he can see the ability to get unique hand gestures through the reward pools, that players can unlock and then maybe even get a full-on emote wheel. He also mentioned he wanted the exclusive ability to flip the bird on people, but let's not talk too much about that...

[h2]Swimming on zero gravity[/h2]
The idea of getting blown out of the airlock was always part of the "core fantasy" of things going wrong in Void Crew. But specially in single player, when it happens it also feels like "okay, this is fun, but it's also a bit sad that I lost agency". So we wanted to go ahead and give ectypes the ability to "swim" on zero gravity situations. So, if you get thrown out of the airlock without EVA, you will be able to swim around in space - full-on hands animations and everything! It does look ridiculous, but in the good way. And it means that in those situations, you will be able to try and swim back to the ship. Keep in mind the swimming is slow, though - if you have a pilot that doesn't like you and keeps driving away, you won't be able to get back in. You'll have to coordinate!

This also unlocked another thing for us: we can turn off gravity inside of the ship... in certain circumstances. No spoilers on that yet, sorry! We have to keep some secrets.

When there's no gravity on the ship, you'll be floating around and will have to swim down to the floor before you can move again. While we can't talk much about this yet, Javier mentioned that the first time we tried this internally was the time he laughed the most playing Void Crew... so keep an eye out for this!

How hard do you have to get hit by a carriable before you actually take damage? This is something we'll have to evaluate at some point, because it's happening now...

[h2]Making ectype deaths funnier[/h2]
Let's be honest... we all laugh when someone on our crew dies in the most ridiculous way. And while it's still fun for the person dying as well, we want to make it better. We're experimenting with this and trying to make it so you can see your own death instead of your screen getting blocked automatically and going back to the sarcograph. We want you to be able to laugh with your crew!

While we're trying very hard to get this into Update 4, we can't 100% assure it - but we're definitely working on it!

As Daniel E. said... any chance to improve dying is an improvement to fun. He subscribes to that idea, and we do as well!

Hope you like what's coming to Void Crew! Let us know what you're more excited about in the comments. And, as always...
[h3]Metem preserve you![/h3]

With love,
The Hutlihut Games team

Dev Stream #9 - How many times will the ship explode today?

Hey ectypes!

It's Dev Stream Thusday!

We will play some games, answer some questions from the community, and probably make the ship explode a couple of times... you know, the usual.

Come watch us today at 15:00 CET | 9:00 ET | 6:00 PT

We will be simulcasting to Steam, Youtube and Twitch.

📍 https://www.youtube.com/@HutlihutGames/

📍 https://www.twitch.tv/hutlihutgames

[h2]Metem preserve you![/h2]

May Metem bless you with the best of loot,
Kinnadelth (Community Manager) and the Hutlihut team

Void Crew - Patch 4 (0.25.1)

Update 3 brought a lot of stuff to the game, and the community brought some issues to our attention that that could be improved, both in terms of balancing and bug fixing. We appreciate all of your feedback!

In this patch we intend to address the most immediate issues.

For clarity, some of the main concerns from the community were:
  • Pilgrimage Lootboxes didn't feel rewarding enough: Rare lootboxes will now guarantee a rare item, with potential for picking out unowned commons once you’ve gathered all the rares.
    Note: Difficulties still only affects XP and not lootboxes - this is planned to be addressed in the next update.
  • Optional objectives not feeling rewarding enough: Now they'll award a common lootbox, so completing them has a reward (other than XP).
  • Freedom Loadout feels out of reach for newer players: We reduced the required rank for this to level 12.
  • Alloy and Biomass not giving bonus XP makes looting less meaningful: We reintroduced this! Now extra alloys and biomass will give XP again at the end of a run.
  • Tally Screen was feeling too slow: It has now been adjusted to make it faster and more clear (Intention is to later add a 'skip' button)

In other words: Build 0.25.1 is live! Full patch notes below.

[h3]Community QoL, Balancing and Tweaks[/h3]
  • Pilgrimages award Rare Lootbox which guarantee a rare item, with potential for picking out unowned commons once you’ve gathered all the rares
  • Optional Objectives award a Common Lootbox
  • Moved both Freedom loadouts 24 → 12 rank
  • Moved Escort Summon shard 27 → 24 rank
  • Re-added alloy and biomass bonus xp (reduced alloy bonus multiplier)
  • Capped alloy/biomass bonus each to 1000xp per pilgrimage (to limit cheats affecting progression of others)
  • Tally Screen has been adjusted to make it faster and more clear
  • 4 Colour unlocks are temporarily given to players logging in (this is to compensate those players who lost those colors due to a bug that has been fixed) - EDIT: Some players are still not receiving colors when logging in (Sorry!), this of course will be fixed in the next patch, so nobody will miss out :)
  • Added an option to disable HUD - hold H (Can be changed in keybinds)
  • Added a Voice chat volume slider in settings
  • Frostmorphs don’t appear unless at least one of the players in party is rank 3
  • New Jetpack and Person Lock UI
  • Loading into a ship that has no available sarcrographs now shows a queue message instead of a blackscreen

  • [Community] Fixed Interdiction mission not completing (if mines or escorts kill the Interdiction pillar)
  • [Community] Fixed an issue where jetpack controls would not work if playing consecutive missions
  • [Community] Fixed Divine Victory no longer requiring an Interdiction to be completed
  • [Community] Fixed some of the colour schemes disappearing from collection upon relaunching the game
  • [Community] Fixed an issue where activating head bobbing setting would break the camera
  • [Community] Improved enemy movement - should be more consistent between host and guests
  • [Community] Fixed lootboxes being awarded even if no missions get completed
  • [Community] Fixed an issue where players could not respawn after dying twice during void jump
  • [Community] Fixed an issue where removing jump destination while pulling void jump lever would result in stuck jump
  • [Community] Fixed the “Invite Players” button in pause menu not working
  • [Community] Fixed chat log entry when choosing Exit Vector
  • [Community] Fixed an issue where joining a full room would result in indefinite disconnect. Players should now be reconnected to the server correctly.
  • [Community] Fixed an issue where rooms would sometimes not be visible in Matchmaking Terminal
  • [Community] Fixed the ship temperature constantly flickering between 20 and 21 degrees
  • Fixed the main menu social media buttons opening multiple tabs
  • Fixed an issue where space bases would disappear for all players apart from ones that were seated in station turrets if the turrets were destroyed
  • Fixed an issue with Personal Loadout where if couple of players were interacting with it at the same time, it could result in one of them having their changes reverted
  • Improved malfunction display on Arc Shield modules
  • Miscellaneous art, audio and localization fixes

Thanks again to our community for helping us iron these out!
The journey continues ... (including more bugfixing ...)

Dev Stream #8 - Highlights

Hey ectypes!

Highlights from our Dev Stream #8 are up! And you really don't want to miss this one.

We celebrated the launch of Update 3, trying out the new stuff that came out with Captain Jack. But that's not all!

We also commented on what's in the future of Void Crew. Get ready for some sneak peeks into what will come on Update 4! (scroll down for a written summary)

Watch the Highlights video here (including the Update 4 sneak peeks):

If you want to watch the full stream, you can do that here:


[h2]Endless mode[/h2]
We've been tackling this topic since the beginning of Early Access - it's probably one of the most (if not the most) requested features!

We're still working on it so we can't give specifics, but the idea is that we see Void Crew going on the path of roguelites. Because we have a very unique mix where you're cooperating with your friends, but you're also growing your power.

So, the idea would be that even if you start your endless run in Temperance, firing weaker enemies... you can jump to, for example, Vigilance later in the run, without having to go through the hub, and encounter a different experience - and keep doing that for very long sessions! You and your crew can determine when do you want to exit, and decide if you want to risk another jump.

[h2]Leveling and perk system rework[/h2]
Again, this is a work in progress, so things can still change. But the general idea behind this is having two different kind of levels:
  • The player power level: you unlock new things as you level up, and also get perk points.
  • Some sort of infinitely grindable levels: if you are a very seasoned Void Crew player with a lot of hours in the game, that will be reflected on your level. This will be tied to the loot box overhaul, as well - the more you play and level up, the more you'll be able to fish from the duplicate protection system, and therefore you'll complete more of your cosmetic collection.
As for the perks... we are going to implement multispecs! You'll be able to have perks from different specializations, making solo players' lives easier and also improving cooperation within crews!

We're implementing emotes! We want to improve social interactions within the game, and also giving players more potential for cool screenshots of the crew!

We are already working on this. Javier specifically shared that the first emote that we're working on right now is a salute! FOR METEM!

Hope you like what's coming to Void Crew (well, a small glimpse of it)! And, as always...
[h3]Metem preserve you![/h3]

With love,
The Hutlihut Games team

Dev Stream #8 - Update 3 hype with Captain Jack!

Hey ectypes!

It's Dev Stream Friday! Not our usual Thursday, but we wanted to time the stream with the new update to show all the cool stuff!

Today we have a guest! Captain Jack, a content creator that has been playing Void Crew for a while, will join us to enjoy the new update. We're excited to have him!

Come watch us today at 15:00 CET | 9:00 EDT | 6:00 PDT

We will be simulcasting to Steam, Youtube and Twitch - and Captain Jack will also be streaming his POV!

📍 https://www.youtube.com/@HutlihutGames/

📍 https://www.twitch.tv/hutlihutgames

[h2]Metem preserve you![/h2]

Metem loves you and we do as well,
Kinnadelth (Community Manager) and the Hutlihut team