1. OVR Toolkit
  2. News
  3. Changelog for 31-08-2023

Changelog for 31-08-2023


- Implemented OSCQuery to better find VRChat and other compatible games OSC port.

Bug fixes:
- Fixed 'Play music while loading' not working as of a recent VRChat update which changed a log print we were looking for.
- Spotify advertisements should no longer be sent to the VRC chatbox media output.
- Misc fixes. (In other words, it's been months and I forgot what I did)

Hey everyone!

Sorry for the insanely long time between releases, if you're having issues, please check in our Discord issue tracker that it has been reported as that's what I'll be running through slowly but surely!

I apologize greatly for the lack of changes, some life issues came up and I got into a pretty low place, work became the least of my concerns.

Thankfully, things are improving and I should be able to get back into this and ensure OVR Toolkit remains the 'least bugged' overlay application on the market and that I continue to support you guys! :)

Thanks for your understanding everyone.