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Roguebook News

Amazon Prime June freebies include Neverwinter Nights, SteamWorld Dig 2 and more

Amazon Prime subscribers can claim 13 free games during the month of June. Well, at no extra cost to their Prime subscription, anyway. That’s on top of the recently announced extras that are available for the next few weeks, including Turnip Boy and Calico. But next month’s lineup of freebies - which includes the ever-lovely SteamWorld Dig 2, Neverwinter Nights and Autonauts - starts on June 1st, with more free games being made available every single week after that, so be sure to check back every Thursday.

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If You Like… Slay the Spire

When Slay the Spire launched, back in January 2019, it represented the pinnacle in what became a well recognised genre - Deck Builders. Let’s delve into that genre and see lies beneath the surface.

Read the full article here: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/04/if-you-like-slay-the-spire

Deck Builders Round Up

Deckbuilders! I love 'em. Slay the Spire got me into this genre digitally, after originally feeling the pull of Magic the Gathering in the late 90's. After over a hundred hours playing Slay the Spire, the classic that invigorated the whole genre, I had the bug, bad. So since late 2019 I’ve been hunting for more. MOAR! Here’s a round up of a few favourites.

Read the full article here: https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2022/05/deck-builders-round-up

Roguebook + All DLC On Sale in the Going Rogue Event!

Roguebook is on sale in the Going Rogue sale at 37% off!

All the DLC (including Fugoro) is also available with a 15% discount! 🐸


Tournament Anti-Cheat System

Today we made some updates to our Tournament Anti-Cheat System.

First of all - yes, it exists.

Secondly, we've made some improvements to it today that should no longer be flagging players incorrectly in some rare circumstances.

To make sure no one remains incorrectly banned from participating in Tournaments, we have made a clean slate and unbanned all previously flagged players today.

How does it work?

In simple terms, it automatically checks the authenticity of your Tournament run files, and if something is fishy you may have the Tournament system disabled for you. The effect of this is that you'll no longer see the Seal appear on the main menu.

The easiest way to get flagged is to try to manipulate your Tournament save files. Don't do that!
(We don't care if you manipulate any single player save files, it's just the Tournament ones we check)

What can I do if I get banned?

We can unban you. The best way is to ask us on our Discord server , or you can send an email to [email protected]. Make sure to tell us your Steam profile name.

We're not looking to stop people from having fun, but we do want to try to keep the multiplayer boards fair.

As always, thank you for playing Roguebook and supporting us.

Feel free to ask any questions below.