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  3. Dream Flash Early Access 21.5 Out Now

Dream Flash Early Access 21.5 Out Now

Dream Flash Early Access 21.5 is out now! This update comes with a large amount of quality of life changes in addition to a new/updated boss.

Full Changelog

One other noteworthy thing is that almost every negative emotion pool item has been buffed. For the most part this means that their positive benefit has been doubled in effectiveness.

Ideally every item in the game should be noticeably impactful to the run, whether that be in a purely positive way, or in a negative way.

In 2024 I would like to release more frequent medium sized updates every 2 months. These updates should be about 50/50 in terms of new content and polishing. Expect updated existing states, along with possibly some new ones. Also expect a lot of new and remade bosses as well.

Anyways thank you for the continued support. I read all the comments/reviews and greatly appreciate them. This is also part of the reason why I have continued to support this game until it is completed.