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  2. News
  3. The Ultimate Update

The Ultimate Update

Our work on the Glitch 'Big Shot' is progressing. This update brings Big Shot, our version of an ultimate ability, to a more usable and fun state, and adds a version for Nailer.

Big shot occurs when you have run out of ammo, but attempt to fire your weapon. You will discharge a buffed version of whatever that weapon usually does, but also lose your weapon.

Rails earns you a mightier 160 damage shot. Rockets earns you more damage, a huge impact radius, and less self damage. LG sparks an electric explosion which damages your opponent if nearby.

But Nailer is the best of all: a giant homing nail that disregards walls to hunt down your opponent, throwing them off their game.

For those who tried Glitch years ago when there was a little hype around, grab a mate and give it another shot. A lot has changed and you'll find the experience smooth and gameplay GLITCHIN. The game is pretty much bug free, but as always help us locate any critters you find in discord. https://discord.gg/hV7uJwud

If it's been a reaaaly long time you probably haven't seen the per-weapon movement abilities either. These are changes to how you can get around based on the weapon equipped. Rails doesn't let you build glitch/speed, but you get a double jump. LG gets you superfast movement. Nailer give you nail jumping.

And don't forget the homing nails - if your oppoent has LG equipped, your nails will home towards them.

We removed all the unfinished or dud maps, so what you see in the menu are all solid, even if not that pretty.

Last but not least, Hoony mode is BACK. This is round based duel, like tennis. Great for a more casual bash.

Here's some recent gameplay. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq8t-ZI-s6g

Glitch on.