1. Circuit Superstars
  2. News
  3. Vote for Circuit Superstars as the Best Game to Sit Back and Relax!

Vote for Circuit Superstars as the Best Game to Sit Back and Relax!

You know the feeling:
It's you, the car, the track and your next lap time,
and the next.
Each new lap an opportunity to:
do better,
improve marginally,
or simply:
rest in flow.
You lose sense of time as you focus on driving.
Effort becomes not about striving but about
being present,
quietly devoting yourself to improvement.
Your Best Lap, a new Personal Record appears at the edge of your screen,
you glance at it
and keep going.

If this has been you when you're playing Circuit Superstars, please nominate us to the Best Game to Sit Back and Relax!


OFG Team