1. Okay, Panic!
  2. News
  3. 1.0.2 Patch Notes - Adjustments, Discord and New Tape Preview

1.0.2 Patch Notes - Adjustments, Discord and New Tape Preview

Thanks for playing Okay, Panic! In this update, we've made some more changes and fixes to various microgames to make the experience a bit better, we talk about setting up a Discord server as well as a preview for the next content update!

As always, if you're experiencing any problems playing the game please leave a comment below so we are aware of it and can get on fixing it! Thanks!

This update includes:
  • Microgame adjustments
  • Discord
  • New Tape Preview

Pacing Changes
Based on feedback, we've made various changes to some microgames to make them a bit simpler and more accessible and hopefully more fun.
  • Grab n' Pop now has an invisible barrier around it to prevent balloons from flying off too far. There also also less balloons now in Pane OS
  • Simplified the High-Five microgame on Pane OS
  • Moved the people closer in the 'Poke' minigame to be closer to the player to make it easier with people with smaller playspaces
  • Moved the people around in the Pain OS microgame to be more obvious that they exist. Previously you had to turn around to see them which wasn't very obvious.

We've had some request to set up a Discord server, so we figure, why not?
Jump in, have a chat, give some feedback, report any bugs and maybe even chuck in some ideas for new microgames you might like to see in the future!

Here's the invite link for those interested: https://discord.gg/7C5AZsz

New Tape Preview
As a part of the games ongoing development, we want to be releasing new content in the form of new Tapes. The first of these new tapes will be the 'Unicron+' tape which will arrive in August as a free content update. The tape will appear in the game once unlocked, but will not be playable until all the new content for it is ready, so stay tuned for that!

Thanks for checking out the Patch Notes!

If you have any further feedback or are experiencing any bugs or issues, please leave a comment below and we'll get right on it!