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Children of Silentown News

1Y anniversary! Free merch & 🐞fixes

Hi all!

Wow, it’s been a whole year since Children of Silentown came out! ✨🔥

Many thanks to everyone that has decided to come for a visit, and for the many positive reviews! ❤️
We hope many others will find our spooky little village a fun destination for sightseeing in the future. 🎃

To celebrate the anniversary, we created a couple of designs for t-shirts and stuff!
We made them for free, for anyone that liked the game and wanted something to remember it by. (oh the feels!)

You can grab them here if you’d like: MerchDesign
You will also find them in the Supporter Pack DLC.

If you prefer ready-made stuff to order, you can find some cool t-shirts and gadgets here:
ElfGamesWorks Shop
The costs you see are exclusively from the RedBubble website for materials and their fee.

And here’s a rare picture of us all dressed up!

Last but not least, the bugfixes:
- [BLOCKING] Using an item on a character and holding the left mouse button while hovering the item menu can break the sequence and softlock the player.
- Tiny teleport area causes the player to get lost in the third layer of the forest trunk area
- Controller: New Game Plus button is invisible but active also on not-New Game Plus slots
- Upgrade from Unity 2018.4.23f1 to 2018.4.36f1

Take care everyone, and wish you a fun and fulfilling new year!

Thank You 30.000!


PC and consoles together, Children of Silentown has sold a whoppin’ 30.000 copies!
That's a lot of pesky cats! 🐱

We are a very small team and we are incredibly happy that so many people have decided to take a look at our little Silentown. Thank you, it means a lot to us. ❤️

PS: Discounts are on again, so if you'd like to recommend the game to a friend, now's the right time!
There's also the Prologue if someone wants just to try the game out (now also available on Steam deck like the completed game).

That's all for now!

The Prologue is back

Hello everyone!

We just uploaded a new, shiny version of the Prologue* for Children of Silentown! 💫

Just to be clear, this Prologue covers the very start of the adventure, and is intended for new players that might be interested in playing the game, but are not quite sure yet if it's their thing or not - so if you have any friends that could be curious about it, let them know! (and if they like it, show them our last announcement)😊

Thank you!

*The Prologue is a standalone App you can find in the Steam Store.

Daily Deal for Children of Silentown

Hello everybody,

Children of Silentown got a Daily Deal going! 🎉
So if you haven't already, consider checking it out (Or spread the news to those who still need it in their library)!

That's all for today - see ya!

Patch 1.1.4. in time for Summer Sale!

Hello adventurers!

Can you believe it's already been a thrilling six months since we released Children of Silentown? 🎂🎉 Time really does fly when you're having fun and patching up game bugs, eh?

We want to express our gratitude to everyone for being with us on this journey. Your feedback, discussions, and enthusiasm have been the driving force behind our ongoing commitment to improving the game.

But hold on, we've got some scorching hot news for you! 🔥 The game is currently on discount for the Summer Sales! So, if you have friends who haven't yet had the chance to explore Silentown and solve its mysteries, there's no better time than now! Let them know, alright? 😉

Moving on to the updates, we're pleased to announce the release of patch 1.1.4. This update addresses several issues related to the Second Run / New Game feature:

  • [BLOCKING] Firewood chest was open from the beginning when furball sticker was already in the inventory. This issue has now been resolved.
  • Fixed Thibescus in the islands couldn't be taken: Those elusive Thibescus should now be able to be picked up as intended.
  • Barn items couldn't be taken. Same issue, same solution :D

Before we sign off, remember to keep sharing your thoughts and feedback with us. Every bit of it helps us to make the game better for all of you!

Stay cool during the summer and happy gaming!

Warm regards,