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Creatures News

Date of removal from store

Steam has confirmed the date of removal from store is 29.02.2020.

All the best to you.

Game will be removed from store

We have sad news. The developer team broke up, so no one left to finish this game. This is an abandoned project and the game will be removed from Steam within half a year.

Thanks for the support and all the best to you.

Quick update v0.81

New content
Improved help page with more information

Bug fixes
- There was incorrect pop-up info on the behavior panel
- Creatures walk in the air near the edge of the map
- Creatures walk on the surface of ponds
- Incorrect speed selection during hunting
- Carnivores can be stuck after an unsuccessful hunt
- Some edible plants do not regrow
- Some nectar providing plants do not provide more nectar after reloading the game


We are happy to inform you that Creatures will release in September through Early Access.

Creatures is a sandbox nature simulation where you can create your own creatures and help them to survive the season.

Wishlist Creatures to be notified when the game releases.