1. Yes, Your Grace
  2. News
  3. 📢Yes, Your Grace: Snowfall BETA IS live NOW!!

📢Yes, Your Grace: Snowfall BETA IS live NOW!!

👑 Your Grace 👑

The BETA for Yes, Your Grace: Snowfall is now live!

If you have received your key, please don’t forget to fill out the survey at the end of the game, or you can find the link here: https://forms.gle/T3M5SUQ7X83R4jod6

If you missed our initial Beta announcement, there is still time to sign up!

SIGN UP HERE: https://forms.gle/so1hqwZjRpPhi4Bm9

For all discussions surrounding the BETA please join our discord server here:


We hope you have a lot of fun playing it and we can’t wait to hear your feedback!

Don’t forget to wishlist: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1373090/Yes_Your_Grace_Snowfall/

Stay brave xx

Brave At Night Team