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  3. Major Update - 5 New Heroes & Ayla Scroll

Major Update - 5 New Heroes & Ayla Scroll

Here comes a great bunch of update!

1. 8 New Passive Skills
- Mana Blade: Seraph, Sanan, Eric Mays, Theo & Daqing, QiLing
- Glass Cannon:Mobley Jojo, Blackfire Prince, Noemi, Zhuoyao
- Defensive Barrier: Arcancol, Schini Bluebeard,Coemy Silvercup, Fallon Bladeaxe
- Regenerate: Bayar, Paris, Aura Bloodlion, Titan Slaugterer, XiZhu
- Toxic Constitution: Maradi, Loca Nifan, Mirror, Zero Beartrainer
- Frost Constitution: Lamia Rhuterino, Harker, Hastings Tustin, Mido Mao. Seyon Springs
- Soul Power: Somori Koma
- Hyponotist: Ereda Longnight

2. 7 New Monarch Talents:
- Polar Queen: Lamia Rhuterino
- King of Jealousy: Byrdwenner Thorn
- Sacrificial Master: Seraph
- The Forest Wolf: Ares Friesen
- Eagles Cleaved The Sky: Frey
- Rhapsody Under The Moon: Returner Redmoon
- Sand Memory: Masinissa

3. New Heroes from another world – XiZhu, ZhuoYao, QiLing, QingTian and ShenWei

4. Maximum City Prosperity increased by 100%
5. Maximum City Defense increased by 30%
6. Gold amount at game start raised to 80000
7. Command cost increased by 30%.
8. Ayla Scroll (Game Editor)

Hope you all enjoy! :)