1. 伊格利亚战记
  2. News
  3. Patch Notes 1.02 -1.086

Patch Notes 1.02 -1.086

1. Bug Fixed: The “Military” of Steam Mech was a negative number.
2. Bug Fixed: The monarch could be lobby to be appointed as an official.
3. Bug Fixed: The upkeep of the military camp was twice the actual cost.
4. Updated the English translations, some Chinese typos have been modified.
5. Optimized the unreasonable part of the tech tree, mainly the Imperial Guard, Darkdust Tribe, Noseiffen and Adas tech tree.
6. Increased player's income.
7. Some tech tree contents have been adjusted, the attack speed buff has been changed to a fixed value.
8. The damage of the Bloodblade skill is corrected. Some hero skills have too long CD, now reduced.
9. Adjusted the stats of troops, mainly HP and attack power.
10. Fixed a bug that would cause the game freeze/game crash.