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  3. Project Cappuccino - v1.25.3 - Patch Notes

Project Cappuccino - v1.25.3 - Patch Notes

This may come as a surprise but we’ve released an optimization patch for Project Cappuccino! Originally, we developed this as our first project with little experience, but have gained considerable knowledge since its release and used an opportunity we had to make some fixes to the game. Unfortunately, some things like adding more save slots would require major reworks since we didn’t know better at the time and we risk breaking saves. (So that stuff will need to wait for an eventual remaster!)

However, there’s been massive optimization fixes done and the game is smoother to play now. If you run into any bugs, please don’t hesitate to let us know and we’ll do our best to solve them.

Here’s what’s changed.
  • Optimized load times between large scenes such as the Cafe Lobby. Players should see around 20-30% faster loading between scenes.
  • Optimized Compression of Some Sprites: This should also contribute to loading times and the game’s file size.
  • Cleaned up unnecessary code
  • Added new SFX to secret Sophie route
  • Grammar Fixes
  • Embedded Discord Link in Game: Come join us for news on all things Tentakero.

Thank you for playing and be sure to wishlist Project Cappuccino 2!
-Vanis & Doku

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