1. Lake
  2. News
  3. Season's Greetings Patch 4

Season's Greetings Patch 4

  • Updated localization
  • Fixed missing collider diner
  • Update farm missing chairs
  • Prevent mail truck from blocking conversations
  • Fixed font missing characters in Chinese and Japanese localization
  • Fixed credits in menu not matching end game credits.
  • Fixed not being able to walk when loading a save while sitting on a bench or delivering a letter
  • Updated Vsync and Window mode settings. Fullscreen should now be exclusive fullscreen. Vsync and refresh rate should be applied correctly again.
  • Fixed car horn only usable once.
  • Lots of smaller audio related fixes. Hopefully the problem is solved, if not a lot less frequent.

If you do still encounter any audio issues, please let us know. Here are some things you can try that might help:
  • Changing the priority and affinity of the executable through the Task Manager might help resolve audio issues in some cases.
  • Enable or disable Vsync and try limiting your framerate. Several players have reported the problem occurs (more often) on higher frame rates. This might help reduce the issue.
  • Please try to enable or disable exclusive mode via the properties of your audio device through Windows ("Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device"). This has been reported to solve the issue in some rare cases.