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Last Stop News

Новое интерактивное приключение от создателей Virginia: Обзор Last Stop

Дебютный проект студии Variable State под названием Virginia отличался неожиданным сюжетом про путешествие агента ФБР в мире снов и кошмаров, смешиванием нескольких жанров и отлично проработанными персонажами. Пять лет спустя команда Джонатана Берроуза и Терри Кенни представила свое следующее интерактивное приключение, которое не только вышло на всех крупных платформах, но и сразу попало в каталог подписочного сервиса Xbox Game Pass.

Last Stop review

Last Stop is a game about extraordinary things happening to ordinary people. Set on the streets of London, it follows four very different characters whose unremarkable lives are suddenly touched by the supernatural. It's an offbeat mix of the mundane and the fantastic, where one minute you're making a cup of tea, and the next you're tumbling through a portal into another dimension. It's also one of the most authentic depictions of Britain I've seen in a videogame—a realistic, understated setting that makes those moments when things turn magical seem extra uncanny...
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Last Stop launches July 22

We're happy to share that Last Stop is coming to Steam on July 22! Here's the latest trailer, which premiered during Summer Game Fest.


Annapurna confirms delays for Twelve Minutes, The Artful Escape, and Last Stop

Annapurna Interactive, the unnervingly reliable publisher behind the likes of Outer Wilds, Sayonara Wild Hearts, and What Remains of Edith Finch, has confirmed that three of its upcoming titles - Twelve Minutes, The Artful Escape, and Last Stop - will no longer release this year as originally planned, and are now scheduled to launch in 2021.

Twelve Minutes is the darkly atmospheric work of Luis Antonio (who made the art for The Witness) and tells the story of a man who finds himself trapped in a time loop following a violent home invasion, with players attempting to change the outcome of events. The PC and Xbox game also has an all-star cast including Daisy Ridley, Willem Dafoe, and James McAvoy.

As for The Artful Escape, it's a surreal rock opera platform adventure that charts the escapades of teenage guitar prodigy Francis Vendetti as he embarks on a cosmic journey to the psychedelic world of Glimmerdim in order to craft his stage persona. Music, unsurprisingly, plays a big part in the experience, and it's heading to Xbox One, PC, and Apple Arcade.

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Hello from Variable State!

Variable State, the team behind the critically-acclaimed Virginia, has been working on their next game. They wanted to share some insight behind what inspired Last Stop.


Hi there from Variable State!

In 2016 we released Virginia - a game which tells a story using common techniques found in cinema, such as editing, musical synchronicity, and drama told through actions rather than words. Since then we have been working on our next game, Last Stop, which has taken these ideas and built on them. Whereas Virginia was an entirely first person experience, played through the eyes of a single protagonist without any dialogue; Last Stop tells three interconnected stories, all with fully voice acted performances, and shot in a cinematic style.

Giving ourselves the freedom to play with cinematography has brought new story telling opportunities. Cameras are placed in areas to best support the emotion and tone of the scene, bring out subtext, help get inside the character's headspace, or simply to create a beautiful shot!

Our intention to game design has always been to give an experience where the player feels like they are inside a story – a good story, hopefully! To this end, along with branching dialogue choices, you'll find many different playful interactions and mini games along the way which build character through actions rather than words. Want to dress a character up as a bit of a punk? Play piano with your best mate in a pub? Smash up your neighbour's possessions in anger? We've got you covered.

We're excited for you all to play Last Stop!


- Variable State

Last Stop will be coming to PC via Steam later this year.