1. The Forgotten
  2. News
  3. The Future Of The Forgotten

The Future Of The Forgotten

Hello everyone,

It has been a long time since I have updated this game etc. I just wanted to give you some information about the future of this game.

As of right now, I have it planned that I am going to do a rework for this game. The reason for this is because over the years I have become much much better at everything to do with gamedev, I have become a better programmer, have more resources, knowledge on how to optimise games etc etc.

So, I will admit, the re work will be far into the future as right now my priority's are as follows
- Finish developing Unknown Presence + Support for the game + extras (This is the new game)
- Finish the remake I'm doing on my other previous title "The Entity"
- And then I will work on the rework for The Forgotten.

So, my new game comes out in July, so the remake for The Entity will be by the end of the year, so the rework for this game will probably be early 2025. I know this is a very long time in the future, but I wanted to communicate it with you all as I am really wanting this games experience to be good for everyone, and I am aware of the numerous issues this game has.

Thank you all very much and I really hope you all are excited for this even though it's ages away! :)