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DreamFly News

Dreamfly is going to be free

Due to steam regulations, developer should start by posting an announcement to your community about your change, explaining why, when, and what happens with existing customers.

DreamFly is going to be free in a week. It makes almost no profit, and we have no time to update this game. Maybe we will make newer version of DreamFly, but not in the near future.

DreamFly is now 3 USD

Some price drop. You are welcome ;)

Folder hierarchy seems to be fixed

There was a problem in previous release, the wrong folder was set as default in file hierarchy.
Sorry for that.

Feel free to test it now.

Feel free to give a feedback.

Here is "How to fly" instruction. You are welcome.

New Update

- Performance improvements
- Speed effects particles added
- bug fixes

DreamFly is released

Finally DreamFly has been released!

What's new:
  • Better camera stabilization.
  • Better flight control.
  • Level redesign with new features.